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  • 「1980年10月2日付読売新聞夕刊」
  • 「1986年11月14日付毎日新聞夕刊」
  • 「愛の地蔵」吉田理(近代文芸社、1993年)
  • 「広報とぎつ2003年、第428号」


A Heroic Conductor Who Sacrificed His Life to Save Passengers

In 1947, just after World War II, Michio Onizuka, a 21-year-old bus conductor, sacrificed his life to save his passengers. This tragic accident took place on the steep Uchizaka Pass in Motomura, Togitsu Town, Nagasaki Prefecture.

The Incident

At the time, Uchizaka Pass was a winding road known to bus drivers as "Hell's Slope" due to its dangerous nature. The road was unpaved with a 20-degree incline, posing a significant challenge for the charcoal-powered buses of the era. These buses, fueled by charcoal instead of gasoline, had a large kiln attached to the back and could only accommodate about 30 passengers.

Michio Onizuka lived and worked at the Oseto Depot of Nagasaki Motor Corporation. His daily routine involved preparing the charcoal bus for the 8 AM departure from Oseto to Nagasaki, a journey that required constant attention to the fire in the kiln, often requiring him to stoke the fire with a long iron rod to keep the engine running.

On September 1, 1947, the bus Onizuka was working on reached near the summit of Uchizaka Pass when the gear shaft slipped, causing the bus brakes to fail. The bus began rolling backwards down the steep slope, heading towards a 20-meter-high cliff.

The Heroic Act

In response to the driver's desperate cry to wedge a rock under the wheels, Onizuka quickly jumped off the bus and attempted to block the wheels with nearby stones. However, the bus crushed the stones and continued to slide dangerously close to the cliff’s edge. With the passengers' lives in imminent danger, Onizuka threw himself under the bus, using his own body as a makeshift wheel block.

High on the pass, the first responder to the accident was Sadazuke Takamine from the Togitsu Depot of Nagasaki Motor Corporation. He arrived to find the bus teetering on the edge of the cliff, with the driver desperately using a jack to lift the vehicle. Takamine later recounted how Onizuka, realizing he had to act as a wheel block, had thrown himself under the bus, which ultimately saved the passengers but cost him his life.

Onizuka's body was retrieved from under the bus and transported to a hospital in Togitsu, where he passed away. He died on the truck bed under the scorching sun, having saved the lives of over thirty passengers, including mothers taking their children to hospitals in Nagasaki.


Twenty-seven years after the accident, on October 19, 1974, Nagasaki Motor Corporation erected a memorial statue known as the “Loving Jizo” at the site of the accident in Togitsu Town. This statue, carved from stone brought from Karatsu, commemorates Onizuka's bravery and serves as a reminder to prevent traffic accidents.

Every year on September 1, the anniversary of Onizuka’s death, a memorial service is held. The “Loving Jizo” stands quietly by the roadside, its red bib fluttering in the wind, watching over the safety of travelers.


  • Yomiuri Shimbun Evening Edition, October 2, 1980
  • Mainichi Shimbun Evening Edition, November 14, 1986
  • "Loving Jizo" by Osamu Yoshida (Kindai Bungeisha, 1993)
  • "Kohotogitsu," 2003, Issue No. 428