国連憲章第7章について | 阿波の梟のブログ








Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter focuses on the functions of the United Nations in maintaining international peace and security. Specifically, it outlines the authority and means for the UN to address international conflicts.

Chapter VII emphasizes peaceful means such as negotiation, mediation, and arbitration for the resolution of international disputes. However, if these measures prove inadequate or fail, Chapter VII allows for more forceful measures.

One of the most significant provisions in Chapter VII is the authorization for the Security Council to use military force when peaceful means are insufficient for resolving international conflicts. The Security Council has the authority to take measures including the use of military force, economic sanctions, and diplomatic actions to address threats to international peace and security.

The role played by Chapter VII in resolving international conflicts is crucial, providing the framework for the UN to exercise robust measures to maintain peace and security.