国連保護軍(United Nations Protection Force, UNPROFOR) | 阿波の梟のブログ



国連保護軍(United Nations Protection Force, UNPROFOR)は、1992年から1995年にかけて旧ユーゴスラビアにおける紛争地帯で展開された国際平和維持活動の一環として設立されました。



  1. 平和維持: UNPROFORは、ユーゴスラビア内の紛争地域における平和維持任務を担当しました。これには、停戦の監視や紛争当事者の交渉の支援が含まれます。

  2. 人道支援: UNPROFORは、人道的な危機に対処するために、食料や医薬品などの人道支援活動を展開しました。

  3. 民間人の保護: UNPROFORは、紛争地域の民間人の保護に重点を置いて活動しました。これには、難民キャンプの運営や避難民の支援が含まれます。



The United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) was established as part of international peacekeeping efforts in the former Yugoslavia from 1992 to 1995.

UNPROFOR aimed to mitigate humanitarian crises and restore peace within the conflict zones of Yugoslavia as part of the international community's efforts during the Yugoslav Wars. Its responsibilities included peacekeeping, humanitarian aid, and civilian protection.

Key tasks of UNPROFOR included:

  1. Peacekeeping: UNPROFOR was responsible for peacekeeping efforts within the conflict zones of Yugoslavia. This involved monitoring ceasefires and supporting negotiations between the conflicting parties.

  2. Humanitarian Aid: UNPROFOR conducted humanitarian aid operations, providing food, medicine, and other essential supplies to address humanitarian crises.

  3. Civilian Protection: UNPROFOR focused on protecting civilians in conflict areas. This included running refugee camps and providing assistance to displaced persons.

While UNPROFOR initially achieved some success, it later encountered numerous challenges, including lack of cooperation from the parties to the conflict and the resurgence of armed clashes. Difficulties such as the Srebrenica massacre in 1995 highlighted the challenges faced by UNPROFOR.

UNPROFOR was disbanded in 1995, and subsequent international peacekeeping efforts were deployed to address the Yugoslav Wars.