大阪ライブ裏話❻ Behind the Scenes from the Osaka Live❻ | 白石謙二のパワフルヴォイストレーニング日記


Kenji Shiraishi's powerful voice training diary


A few years ago when the Osaka school started performing live shows, I used to act as the MC, getting everyone excited and laughing.🤗


Since we don't get to see each other on a regular basis, I took the initiative to try to close the gap between me and the students.


However, if I kept doing that, the staff wouldn't be able to gain experience, so now I no longer act as MC at live shows at any of our school.


There are times when I feel disappointed that I can't show my professional skills^_^


Unlike a speech, MCing requires quick, witty improvisation at each moment, as well as a broad perspective that draws in not only the performers but also the audience.


This is why it is said that the MC determines the success of a live performance.


Along with the performers' performances, the whole school will be polishing their MC skills, which are the highlight of the show*\(^o^)/*
