活発な交流会♬ A lively exchange meeting♬ | 白石謙二のパワフルヴォイストレーニング日記


Kenji Shiraishi's powerful voice training diary



The conversations were very lively at the Shibuya school's live speech exchange event.



Each person's speech performance leaves a strong impression, so it's easy to start a conversation even if you're meeting for the first time.


Many of the works are original, so it's fun to hear about the conception process.


I think there are plenty of things they can praise each other for, whether it be their voices, speaking styles, facial expressions, or gestures.

何より、皆さん、speaking voice trainingのレッスンを受けていますから、コミュニケーションには積極的ですよね!

Above all, everyone has taken speaking voice training lessons, so they are proactive in communicating!



After the exchange meeting, I heard that they had fun expanding their circle of communication even further at an izakaya instead of karaoke. 🤗🤗🤗


Speech live events and networking events are a perfect match.👍