スピーチライブ後記❷ Speech Live Postscript❷ | 白石謙二のパワフルヴォイストレーニング日記


Kenji Shiraishi's powerful voice training diary


For the first time in a while, I was able to listen to everyone's speech performances in their own live voices from the very back of the venue.


Everyone showed the results of their voice training and I could hear their voices clearly.


That's not an easy thing to do when there's an audience, because your voice is absorbed in so many ways.


Among them, the winners of special prizes and above had particularly strong vocal power, and the Grand Prize winners' voices sounded as if they were coming from their stomachs.


As expected, the better the voice is, the more we are drawn into the story and it touches our hearts.


I was reminded once again of the importance and impact of one's voice.