できることを増やしていく♬ Increasing what I can do♬ | 白石謙二のパワフルヴォイストレーニング日記


Kenji Shiraishi's powerful voice training diary

今日は、レッスン時間を伸ばし、singing voice trainingが5時間、speaking voice trainingが1時間でした。

Today, I increased the amount of time I taught to my students, with 5 hours of singing voice training and 1 hour of speaking voice training.


I would like to check my physical condition every day and increase what I can do.


Additionally, I bought a stethoscope.


I check my vital signs multiple times each day, but I wanted to hear my lungs and heart with my own ears.


I would like to personally investigate the process of recovery through voice training after having lung surgery and removal.


Every day, I receive kind words from everyone, and it really warms my heart. Thank you so much😭