緊急のお知らせ❹♬ Urgent Notice ❹♬ | 白石謙二のパワフルヴォイストレーニング日記


Kenji Shiraishi's powerful voice training diary


The doctor asked if he could use the part of my lung that had been removed, along with the details of the surgery, as a specimen for research purposes, and I readily agreed.


Looking back at the timeline, immediately after the fall, I managed to make it to a nearby orthopedic clinic, where it was discovered that I had a fractured left rib, and I then went to the university hospital as an emergency room doctor to have the injury to my left ear treated.


At this point, although I was in pain from my fractures and injuries, I intended to go to work the following Wednesday, so I went home and went to bed.


I couldn't fall asleep easily and the pain gradually increased, so finally, around 5am, I had to call an ambulance.


I went back to the university hospital I had gone to in the night and had a CT scan, which revealed that I had hemopneumothorax.


There was probably a lot of blood building up in my lungs.


However, things got more difficult from there, as there were no hospitals with available ICU beds, so I was transferred to a hospital where emergency surgery could be performed until the afternoon.


I wonder if I would have lost my life if I had endured until morning, but today I received the doctor's explanation and photos of the surgery, and I felt grateful for how fortunate I was.


I will do my best to contribute to society in whatever way I can, as if I had been given life!