テネシー・ウィリアムズの後半生、能・狂言・歌舞伎の世界にぞっこんとなってしまった劇作家④ | 塩川blog(司法書士・行政書士・宅地建物取引士)

























多元宇宙論(たげんうちゅうろん)とは、複数の宇宙(マルチバース / multiverse)の存在を仮定した理論物理学による論説である。多元宇宙は、我々が存在する宇宙(ユニバース:単一の世界)だけでなく、別に、または無数に他の宇宙が存在するかもしれないという、理論として可能性がある複数の宇宙の集合である。多元宇宙が含むそれぞれの宇宙は、平行宇宙と呼ばれることもある(Wikipediaより)。














Johnson, S. E. (2014). The influence of Japanese traditional performing arts on Tennessee Williams’s late plays [University of Iowa]. https://doi.org/10.17077/etd.92wlztti

(As in yesterday's blog post, I use excerpts from the above academic paper as references.)





Noh performances are, on the surface, of a singular structure and style. It is difficult to mistake a noh play for anything else and very few noh plays surprise their audience with a story or style outside the expected. Noh plays fall into one of five categories based on the content of their stories, however the structure of those stories is very similar across all five categories. There are specific roles, such as the waki or shite, that enact similar roles within a set structure found in all of the known noh plays. There 12 may or may not be subsidiary characters alongside them, but there is always a waki who begins the play as a bystander or witness and a shite, or “doer” who is the focus of any narrative presented in the play. Other constants of the noh play are a chorus of chanters, seated to the side of the stage that explicate the situation, speak for or as the shite and give a rhythmic and tonal shape to the play. As such, the chorus shifts between pronouns fluidly, sometimes speaking as an omnipotent narrator describing the shite and then in the same sentence speaking as the shite. Each play utilizes these roles and staging techniques differently, though their existence is consistent throughout the repertoire. This “sameness” among what can be seen by careful observers as widely different and stylistically unique plays gives a constancy and rigidity to the art form that allows for the variations to become incredibly meaningful.







Noh plays explore a dramatic moment before the climax. As such, a narrative build of drama and release of tension through a climactic encounter is rarely seen. Instead, an emotional or dramatic moment is explored through image and poetry and the play ends not in or after a narrative high point has occurred, but in the moments before. The release felt in noh is a more abstract aesthetic one, rather than a narrative based one. The exploration of an elongated moment in time is prioritized over a revelation of new information. There is an emotional release through a sensory experience rather than a cerebral one. Storytelling ruminates on ideas and images set within stories well known to the audience. Noh explores strong juxtaposition in staging. While often thought of as a slow moving art form, noh actually explores the extremes of tempo. Glacially slow movement is ever so briefly punctuated by fast moving stomping feet or sharp beats of the drum. Over the period of the play, the rhythm of both music and speech increases at an infinitesimal speed, gradually speeding up throughout the play. This movement leads the audience to the explosive (comparatively) dance at the conclusion of the play that is full of drums and swift movements. These extremes in tempo are juxtaposed against the 13 stillness and slowness found in noh. Juxtaposition can also be seen in elaborate costumes placed on a simple and bare stage. Props are minimal and abstract, usually a paper representation of an object, yet the costumes are large and bulky kimonos of bright and beautiful design. Silence fills the space frequently, yet shrill sounds from the flute and sharp drums shatter the illusion that this is a quiet theatre. The chorus performs as many chanters of a single voice, and fluidly moves from speaking with the main performer to speaking as her. Noh is a masked theatre that has only one character in each play masked (in the majority of instances, though there are a few notable exceptions where two characters will be masked). Noh places oppositional staging practices side by side and allows them to coexist in harmony, balancing one another.








Ritual is also a strong component of noh. Beyond the art form’s long history and an honoring of the traditions developed over centuries, the rituals are an integral part of the mode of storytelling employed in noh. The journey from backstage along the bridge itself functions both as a narrative of a character entering the stage and as the transformation of actor into character. The stage itself is reminiscent of both Shinto and Buddhist ritual spaces, and the religions, which have blended and coexisted in Japan since before written history, are embedded in the stories, stage and theatrical experience of noh. The codified performance conventions were developed as the arts consolidated into a single art form during the days of Zeami, and have not changed drastically since. Noh is considered by some to be “museum theatre” due to its strict adherence to ritual and tradition. It has been performed and taught in the same way through many generations of practitioners. 








Noh explores reality in a presentational way rather the representational tradition in Western realism. There is an inherent theatricality that draws attention to the performative exploration of story and experience in noh. Dramatization of objects, particularly the imbuing of life into the mask, is noh’s most recognizable element of presentational theatricality. Abstract props are also interacted with in such a way that imbues them with meaning beyond their physical existence. Other staging practices also draw attention to the theatricality of the performance, including the stage attendants who sit on the sides of the stage waiting for moments to assist with props or costumes. Wearing the same neutral black robes of the chorus, they are meant to be invisible to the audience. While we can clearly see the stage hands interacting with the actors, and no attempt is made to hide their existence, the audience understands that they are not visible and not a part of the world. This contract between performance tradition and audience calls attention to the performance of the theatre. Characters proclaim their name or defining attributes upon entering the stage and declare their arrival in a location although no scenic elements have changed to indicate this movement. The chorus speaks as a character though they do not consistently embody any specific character within the narrative. Music and rhythm are used in language and underneath language as another mode of expression within the performance. All of these staging practices draw attention to the performative nature of noh, asking the audience to experience a presentation of the essence of things rather than the mimicry of reality. 








Rightly recognized as a slow moving and contemplative theatrical tradition, noh uses the above mentioned techniques and more to cultivate an aesthetic of absence. In the absence of something, we gain a deeper understand of its essential nature. Noh strips many staging practices down to a minimum. This focuses the audience’s attention acutely on what remains. The mysterious beauty of the oft debated noh concept of yugen is experienced by being hidden. 

Absence in noh draws us into the performance. Noh is filled with long moments of silence. The absence of sound makes us hyper-aware of the sounds within noh. Much of noh is still, or filled with movement so slow it is barely recognizable. The structure of noh stretches out across space and time, filling the stage with the absence of movement and sound. Noh creates a negative space and allows the audience to fill that space with their presence and sensory experience. From my seat in the noh theatre, as a Western student of Japanese culture with a surface understanding of the intricacy of noh, this aestheticization of absence forms the foundation of the noh experience.



能は、ゆっくりと動き、瞑想的な演劇の伝統として正しく認識されており、上記のような技法などを用いて、不在の美学を培っている。不在の中で 何かがないことで、その本質をより深く理解することができる。能は 能は、多くの演出を最小限に抑える。これによって観客の注意はを集中させる。よく議論される能の概念「幽玄」の神秘的な美しさは、隠されることによって体験できる。隠れることで体験できる。






以上、大変長くなりましたが、Johnson, Sarah Elizabet博士の、能に関する論稿を掲載させていただきました。














