転職お別れ英語メッセージ | アラフィフおやじの”おひとり様”リアルライフ







We will all miss you.  You have had a significant impact on xxxxxx Japan and I am very thankful for all your contributions.

I hope you will stay in touch, and I wish you the very best!


You will be very missed! I hope you are leaving XXX proud of the accomplishments and impact you made in such a short time. You have set things up very well for whomever steps into this role next.


We appreciate your time, dedication and positive attitude (always - even when it wasn’t easy!)


Best of luck with this next opportunity…. They are lucky to have you. Let’s stay in touch!



We'll definitely miss having you on our team.  Working with you has been an absolute pleasure, and your contributions to the Japan team over the last two years have been remarkable.  Your dedication and efforts have truly made a difference.  Thank you for everything.  We are looking forward to keeping in touch and seeing where your journey takes you next! 

Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to making XXXXX a better place to work. You are a pleasure to work with and I am going to miss you so much! I am grateful we got to spend time together when you were in Chicago - I have great memories on the architectural boat tour, eating together at Lou Malnati's pizza and hanging out at the bowling party . I wish you all the best in your next position and beyond. Take care of yourself!!


With gratitude,



Sad to hear about you leaving us, but happy and excited for you to start a new journey. Please tell me you’ll be taking some time off?! BECAUSE IT IS WELL DESERVED!!


You’ve been such a light to the Team and have made an impact on everyone you meet. It has been such a pleasure getting to know you and work with you!!


Best of luck in every direction you go and looking forward to keeping in touch!

Wishing you all the best on your new adventure XXX!😊

I am so sorry to hear that you’re leaving, but I am so excited for you and your next adventure. I had the best time working with you, and spending time together when you visited was so much fun. Please keep in touch! 


XXXXXX– my personal email.


I wish you the best!!!! Thank you for being an amazing coworker!


Many thanks!!!

Hi XXXX! I was on vacation last week and just saw your goodbye note - I am so sad that we won't be working together anymore, but I am excited for you and your new opportunity! Thank you for being a great colleague throughout the past couple of years, I will always remember the kind gift you sent me in anticipation of having my baby. Wishing you well in your next adventure!!!


