Which menu is good when body feels heavy&tired? | 大阪市福島区のリラクゼーションサロン シーズオフィシャルブログ

大阪市福島区のリラクゼーションサロン シーズオフィシャルブログ

ボディ&ヘッドスパサロン スクール シーズ

These days, I hear from many customers that 

"I feel so heavy and tired on whole body",
"Feeling so hot, but only legs are cold and heavy"
"Even after waking up from sleep, I'm still tired".

Those symptoms could be caused by daily environment that you stay all day long in "Air conditioning  system".
Unconsciously your body get colder and mascles get stiff.
It can affects lymphatic circulation and autonomic nerves.

When you feel such symptoms, I recommend these menu bellow.

1. "I feel so heavy and tired on whole body"
【Aroma-oill Body Treatment】

2."Feeling so hot, but only legs are cold and heavy"
【Megashaki course : Head massage & Foot reflexology】

3."Even after waking up from sleep, I'm still tired"
【Gokuraku couorse : Aroma-oil Body treatment & Head massage】

You can also choose exact menu which is the most suitable for your body condition after visiting our salon and consult with staff. 












キラキラ 極楽コース 70分 ¥9,580~
キラキラ アロマトリートメント 70分 ¥9,020~
キラキラ フォースカッター 30分 ¥7,700〜


大阪市福島区福島2-8-22 福田ビル501.602




よもぎ蒸しと腸もみサロン HANARe



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