2024.3/8 唐詩選律詩 王維 大同殿生玉芝竜池上~ | サワラ君の日誌



「墨場必携 唐詩選律詩を書く」(日本習字普及協会)より選句、習字


王維 大同殿生玉芝竜池上有慶雲百官共覩聖恩便賜燕楽敢書即事


欲笑周文歌燕鎬 還輕漢武樂横汾

豈知玉殿生三秀 詎有銅池出五雲

陌上堯尊傾北斗 樓前舜樂動南薫

共歡天意同人意 萬歳千秋奉聖君

笑わんと欲す周文の鎬(こう)に燕(えん)するを歌う 還(ま)た漢武の汾(ふん)に横わるを楽しむを軽んず

I want to laugh to sing a song about the banquet held by the king of Shu in his capital, Kōukei. It's nothing compared to this banquet about emperor Bu of the Han Dynasty once sailed on Hun river and enjoyed drinking parties.

豈(あ)に玉殿三秀を生ずるを知らんや 詎(なん)ぞ銅池に五雲を出すこと有らんや

How could I know about the wonderful grass growing in the palace, indicating good omens? How could I know about the colorful clouds rising from the palace pond, indicating good omens?

陌上(はくじょう)の堯尊(ぎょうそん)北斗を傾け 楼前の舜楽南薫(なんくん)を動かす

Sake barrels are lined up on the road, and sake is poured into Big Dipper glasses. In front of the tower, music praising the emperor is played as a refreshing southerly wind blows.

共に歓ぶ天意の人意に同じきを 万歳千秋聖君に奉ぜん

We all rejoice about the will of heaven and the will of the people becoming the same. We pray for the emperor's eternal life and chant Banzai.