2023.1/24 白楽天 長恨歌⑭ 草書 | サワラ君の日誌



「墨場必携 白楽天を書く」(日本習字普及協会)より選句


白楽天  長恨歌⑭

太液芙蓉未央柳  芙蓉如面柳如眉  

対此如何不涙垂  春風桃李花開夜

太液(たいえき)の芙蓉(ふよう) 未央(びおう)の柳  

芙蓉は面(おもて)の如く 柳は眉の如し  


春風桃李 花開くの夜

The lotus flowers of Pond-Taieki and the willows of Palace-Biou.

Lotus flowers are like her face and drooping willow branches are like her eyebrows.

How can he keep from shedding tears.

On the night when peach and sumomo

 flowers bloom invited by the spring breeze,