2023.1/23 唐詩選律詩 杜審言 蓬萊三殿侍宴奉勅詠終南山 | サワラ君の日誌



「墨場必携 唐詩選律詩を書く」(日本習字普及協会)より選句、習字


杜審言(としんげん) 蓬萊三殿侍宴奉勅詠終南山


When the emperor threw a banquet at the palace Horai Sanden, the author was present at the banquet and composes a poem on the title of "Shunanzan" at the emperor's command.

北斗挂城邊 南山倚殿前

雲標金闕迥 樹杪玉堂懸

半嶺通佳氣 中峰繞瑞烟

小臣持獻壽 長此戴堯天

北斗 城辺に挂(かか)り 南山 殿前に倚(よ)る

The Big Dipper hangs around the castle- Choan City. In front of the palace, Mt.Nanzan rises even closer.

雲標(うんぴょう)金闕(きんけつ) 迥(はるか)に 樹杪(じゅびょう)玉堂 懸(かか)る

A golden palace rises far above the clouds. The treetops of the mountain seem to touch the Jade Palace.

半嶺佳気(はんれいかき)通じ 中峰瑞烟(ずいえん)繞(めぐ)る

There is wonderful air in the middle of the mountain. The central peak is surrounded by a wonderful haze.

小臣持して寿を献ず 長く此(ここ)に堯天(ぎょうてん)を戴(いただ)く

I sing this mountain and offer my congratulations. And I would like to receive your virtue, which is forever blessed.



The content of the poem is as if he was forced to finish his schoolwork that must be submitted by tomorrow. It just repeats the palace and the mountain using different words, but is this okay?