2022.8/24 江戸川柳 自身番捨子が泣いて世帯めき | サワラ君の日誌







I can hear the cry of abandoned child at the station of the vigilant organization Jisinban. It's as if a household lives.




According to Wikipedia, there is the following description in the documents related to the abandoned child in the latter half of the Edo period.

(1) If a abandoned child occurs in an urban society, the Bugyosho(magistrate's office) will not provide direct relief, but will be responsible for recruiting foster parents and obliging them to raise them in the town until they are found.

(2) The Bugyosho permits this after deliberation on the reason why the foster parent takes over the abandoned child. The Bugyosho will set up a guarantor, make a pledge such as not prostitution, and then have the foster parents adopt the abandoned child.

Perhaps the abandoned child was once housed in a station of the vigilant organization, and the family with the baby in the town was volunteering to take care of it until the foster parents picked up the abandoned child.


【自身番じしんばん】  江戸時代、武家地の辻番(つじばん)に対し、大都会の町地に設けられた自警組織の一つ。初め地主らが町内を守ったので、この名称が生まれたという。またそのための常設小屋をもさし、これは自身番屋、番屋とよばれた。江戸では、当初の地主自身の勤番が、のちには地主、店借(たながり)の別なく町民の回り持ちになり、大通りの角地に、決まりでは9尺2間の番屋(実際には2間に3間ぐらいはあったという)に詰めた。原則として1町1番屋で、1850年(嘉永3)には江戸に994軒を数えた。(日本大百科全書(ニッポニカ))