2021.12/28 唐詩選 王昌齢 梁苑 | サワラ君の日誌



「墨場必携 唐詩選を書く」(日本習字普及協会)より選句、習字


王昌齢 梁苑

梁苑秋竹古時烟 城外風悲欲暮天

萬乘旌旗何處在 平臺賓客有誰憐

梁苑の秋竹 古時(こじ)の煙り

Autumn bamboo grows at the garden "Ryoen" in the old mist.

城外風悲し 暮れんと欲するの天

Outside the castle walls, the sound of the wind sounds sad, and the heaven is about to set.

万乗の旌旗 何れの処にか在る

Where are tens of thousands of emperor's flags?

平台の賓客 誰有ってか憐れまん

After the death of King Ryûbu of Ryo Dynasty, who invited the writer of the world to the bamboo garden as a guest, who will recognize the writers and take good care of fhem?


