英語の迷い道(その130)-「科学(サイエンス)とは何か?」-今年の東北大・英作文 | 流離の翻訳者 果てしなき旅路

流離の翻訳者 果てしなき旅路

















また、原理と法則を基礎とする物理学の方法論は、自然科学はもちろん、人文科学(人間に関する科学)にも大いに役立つ。「自然法則(natural laws)」に対する深い理解があれば、特異な例を一般化してしまったり、例外に惑わされて一般化できなくなったりするような失敗が避けられよう。科学は単なる知識の集積ではない。(B)新たな法則を発見するためにも、知識より「理解」の方がはるかに大切である。大事なのは「知るより分かる」という原則だ。







“Science” is the study of revealing the truth of things. A Chinese word related to science is “格物,” and it is read as “mono ni itaru” in Japanese. This means to pursue the truth of things, and later Western science was also called “格物” in Chinese. The mind is the great principle of science that reveals the mysteries of things.

The natural science (science relating to natural phenomena) has developed through numerous theoretical and experimental discoveries since the birth of modern science (about 400 years ago) after the emergence of modern science in the ancient Greece era. (A) What supported its development was the close connection between "hypothesis and empirical" or "theory and experiment." Theoretical hypotheses have expanded the possibilities of experimentation, and new experimental results have encouraged further development of theories.

In addition, the methodology of physics, which is based on principles and laws, is of great help not only to the natural sciences but also to the humanities (science relating to human beings). A deep understanding of "natural laws" will help us avoid the mistake of generalizing singular examples or being misled by exceptions and not being able to generalize. Science is not just an accumulation of knowledge. (B) "Understanding" is far more important than knowledge in order to discover new laws as well. What is important is the principle of "Understanding is better than knowing."

And many of the problems that science deals with serve as nourishment for cultivating logical thinking skills. In fact, there are many seemingly simple but profound problems in physics that can actually be solved. (C) It is probably only when you have conviction or belief that "the mysteries of the natural world can be solved by human intelligence" that you can face difficult problems such as those of humans and society without flinching.