栄養とランニング④ | 札幌でTOEIC、TOEFL、英検、英会話ならネルス









inhume「埋葬する」  「湿った」hume土の「中に」in, 入れることだから。

posthumou「死後の」  これも日常会話の中でたまに出てきます。

The posthumous publication of his works was a surprise to his family.「彼の作品が死後発表されて、家族には驚きだった。」


subtle 「微妙な」  発音は「サトゥル」

oz ounce「オンス」の省略。発音は「アウンス」。1オンス=約30ccなので、18から24オンスというと540ccから720cc。ということは、体重減を目指す人が1時間走れば500のペットボトル1本じゃ足りないくらいだ。結構飲むのね。

carbs carbohydrates「炭水化物」の省略形。

dilute 「薄める」  lute の語源が wash。 diはaway。  原液の一部が「流されて」wash away、「薄まる」dilute

in the buff 「裸で」

In high heat or humidity, you must hydrate while training—no matter the duration. But, what about over-hydration? I’ll cover this below in the electrolyte section. Over-hydration is really too little electrolytes compared to the amount of fluid intake. It’s not the fluid that’s the problem, but the lack of electrolytes.

Within each goal group, there’s subtle difference in my fluid recommendations.

Weight Loss



Fluid Needs:
18-24 oz. fluid per hour (runners may carry slightly less, but aim for at least 75% of these amounts)

Fluid Needs:
Follow the weight-loss guidelines.

Fluid Needs:
Follow the weight-loss guidelines.

Drink choices:
Electrolyte tabs in water.

Drink choices:
< 90 minutes:
Electrolyte tabs in water.

90 minutes or >:
Full Nutrition drinks with 10-15 grams carbs per 8 oz.

Drink choices:
< 90 minutes:
Follow the performance guidelines.

90 minutes or >:
Follow the performance guidelines.

Although you may not want sugar and carbs, the electrolytes and fluids are still important.

If you choose to use a low-carb or diluted drink, make up for the carbs in other fuel sources.

If you're training or competing for 5+ hours, aim for more carbs per hour.

Quick Tip: Want to know exactly how much fluid you need during training? Weigh yourself immediately before and after training, in the buff or in only underwear, if possible. If not, have on the same clothes both times. Calculate every pound lost as 16 fluid ounces. Then, add in any fluid you consumed during training. This is the amount of fluid you lost during that specific exercise session. Plan to hydrate proactively for the next one.

Kelli Jennings, active.com