初の10K ③ | 札幌でTOEIC、TOEFL、英検、英会話ならネルス





札幌唯一の英語資格スクール・ネルス ようこのブログ




Tさんのほかにすごいところは、ホームワークのRepeat and Speakをこなしているところ。

このRepeat and Speakは英語で考え英語脳を作ろうという練習なので、結構脳がつかれます。



じゃ、今日のレッスン開始しましょう! 初の10K、第3回目です。

take 時間 off 「休暇を取る」

take a few month off なら「数か月休む」

nurse「(けがや病気を)治す」 nurseはもともと「育てる」を意味する語源。

nursery「育児室、苗床」 子供も苗も育てるところがnursery。


sign up for 「~に申し込む」

so did S 「Sもそうだった。」  so did the challengeで「そのチャレンジもそうだった、15週目の半ばで終わった。」

chip away 「削り取る」 chipが「切れ端」なのでchip awayで切れ端がどんどん離れて「削り取る」


deter 「抑止する」  「下」deに押さえつけ、「怖が」terらされると、「抑止する」


After taking a few months off to nurse an injury, I signed up for a 10K with almost no base to work off of. I decided to take on the 50-mile challenge to get my mileage up.

Here's how the weeks ended up playing out:

  • First week: 2.6-mile run, 2.7-mile run 3.7-mile run (total: 9 miles)
  • Second week: 2.3-mile run, 2.6-mile run, 3-mile run, 4-mile run (total: 11.9 miles)
  • Third week: 2.3-mile run, 2.6-mile run, 2.3-mile run, 5-mile run (total: 12.2 miles)
  • Fourth week: 3.6-mile run, 2.6-mile run, 3.7-mile run, 2.6-mile run, (total: 12.5 miles)
  • Fifth week: 2.6-mile run, 5-mile run (total: 7.6 miles)

The month ended in the middle of the fifth week, and so did the challenge. I ended up running 53.2 miles, hitting my goal in the middle of my last run on the last day of the month.

It was one of the more enjoyable periods of training I've ever had. Every single run chipped away at the goal, so every one felt meaningful and necessary. Motivation wasn't a problem the entire month. I ended up running about four days a week, and the normal busyness of work, family and friends didn't deter me from getting out the door. I had a challenge to meet.

Ryan Wood, active.com