宮城(Miyagi)観光:宿泊:japanese sightseeing information | 観光 情報、やすらぎのお宿:(身体にやさしいお料理や温泉)宿泊情報

観光 情報、やすらぎのお宿:(身体にやさしいお料理や温泉)宿泊情報

身体にやさしいお料理や温泉情報又高齢者に配慮した施設情報などやすらぎのお宿(宿泊)情報(the accommodation of Japan)です。各県の観光情報、車椅子又はバリアフリー対応観光施設情報(Japanese sightseeing information)もあります。季節のイベント情報、観光イベント情報

  観光(宮城) 宿泊: 体にやさしいお宿
japanese original scenery
観光(宮城)宿泊 情報(やすらぎのお宿)
Japanese sightseeing information


The details of the sightseeing information of Miyagi,please click here.(festivals and events)

















The Kitakami River (北上川, Kitakami-gawa)
Kitakami River is a river in the Northeast maximum flowing through the Miyagi and Iwate Prefecture. It is fairly loose gradient,is characterized by in the rivers of Japan. Also,Along the Kitakami River, there are a number of hot springs.

(写真提供 宮城県経済商工観光部観光課)

  〔北上川、葦原 [Miyagi]〕石巻市[WEBサイト]  

The Kitakami River (北上川, Kitakami-gawa)
Kitakami River is a river in the Northeast maximum flowing through the Miyagi and Iwate Prefecture. It is fairly loose gradient,is characterized by in the rivers of Japan. Also,Along the Kitakami River, there are a number of hot springs.

(写真提供 宮城県経済商工観光部観光課)


The sightseeing information of Miyagi

  [蔵王エコーライン [Miyagi-Zao]]  

[Zao Echo Line]Zao mountain range is a mountain range which forms a part of Ousanmyaku. Located on the border of both the southern portion of the Yamagata Prefecture and Miyagi Prefecture.The hot springs and ski resorts are also famous and are visited by many tourists during the season.  


(写真提供 宮城県経済商工観光部観光課)



The sightseeing information of Miyagi, please
click here.





≪Japanese original scenery
ブログ     produced by S.K