ノーベル賞作家ルィーズ・グリュックの詩を読んでみよう | My life in Paradise

My life in Paradise


とにもかくにも読んでみよう!と思い立ち、アマゾンで購入しようと思いましたが、それより先に、New York Times のルィーズについて書いている記事に彼女の詩も載っていたのでupしておきました。







I take my basket to the brazen market,
to the gathering place,
I ask you, how much beauty
can a person bear? It is
heavier than ugliness, even the burden
of emptiness is nothing beside it.
Crates of eggs, papaya, sacks of yellow lemons —
I am not a strong woman. It isn’t easy
to want so much, to walk
with such a heavy basket,
either bent reed, or willow.


brazen marketが何のことだか分かりません。



”Dedication to Hanger”と言う詩です。


It begins quietly
in certain female children:
the fear of death, taking as its form
dedication to hunger,
because a woman’s body
is a grave; it will accept





National Book Award Finalist






I know what they say when I’m out of the room.
Should I be seeing someone, should I be taking
one of the new drugs for depression.
I can hear them, in whispers, planning how to divide the cost.

And I want to scream out
you’re all of you living in a dream.

Bad enough, they think, to watch me falling apart.
Bad enough without this lecturing they get these days
as though I had any right to this new information.

Well, they have the same right.

They’re living in a dream, and I’m preparing
to be a ghost.




