domestic violance | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

Can you see the scratch ?

many of it are in right hand and on feet.

KDRT----Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga

who done it?

blue sky

ダウン this little white fellow

blue sky

i asked his doctor about this manner, and the answer is...

because he is a male cat (o_0);

(but doctor,... i know he is bitting since he is still a baby but not like right now (。>0<。) )

because of this makes me thing to change his name into...


Macan means tigers in Indonesia.

Another violance,

i do it to mosquitoes


anti mosquitoes spray failed

anti mosquitoes mat electric also failed

so i back to old school way

he he he

blue sky