a picture of | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

I went to book store today after i had my (late)lunch

and found...

this ダウン book already realease,......(ノ´▽`)ノ ⌒(呪)


i almost have all their books, except their books about 'presidents' and 'soccer'

two topics that i don't really like.

blue sky

and when i go to the cashier, i found this book at cashier bookselfs.

it is an expensive book, they give the price Rp 100.000

but....yup, its really worthed

since this book realease by National Geographic

reading this book makes me think....everything surround us are trully beautifull given by GOD

my favourite photos is "that baby" that you see in the cover.

the story behind that is about how a mom who trying to keep her baby always warm.
blue sky

another one about piggu today,

i took this pic because my pointer look alike arrow that through yuli's head


gomen ne yuli (^人^)
blue sky-未設定