scared | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

blue sky

It do really hurts

i didn't cry because of that


its scared me a lot

what happen to me lately

yesterday night i got gastric problems

i just didn't realize it the day before

until night i still didn't realize it


so it was really to late when i drank the medicine

( p_q)

i stay awake until morning because of the sickness

i can really sleep arond 5 o'clook in the morning

so i cut off my working hours yesterday, since i was really weak

i'm quite ok right now,

but i still depends on the medicine

before or after eat and before sleep


i forgot to drink it last night

( p_q)

i got the pain attack again

that's why i wake up around 3 o'clook this morning
