saturday day | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

I went out with wuri-san and murti-san today,

the weather was like this ダウン

windy and cloudy.

and as we can guess, not long after that it was raining (ノ゚ο゚)ノ

This bread was given by murti-san. Before we picked up her, i was yelled for something to eat for the reason i was so hungry (´□`。)

Because i was driving, the bread were given to wuri-san to open it.

wuri-san said "hmmm, is it a bread or a burger, why the egg on the top of it?"

hahahahahahahahahaha (≧▽≦)

When we arrived we all ate Tom Yum Noddle.

As you can see, it is near to val day, so all in pink.

And i HATE pink (。・ε・。)

Since last night my back is killing me,

so when we were in that place i tried to find this ダウン, Thanks GOD we found it, and i put in my back, although we still in that place.

On the way home, i went to konbini and found this aloe vera drinks,

and it is ヾ( ´ー`)