┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌ | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

When i opened my refrigirator this morning, i was Σ(゚д゚;)...mukyaaaaaaaa,...opo iki !,....nani kore?!....((>д<))...why there were nothing inside to be eat (T_T). There were only choco soya milk and coconut juice (´□`。). Then i remember that last night i was also confused because the refri already run out of stocks.

And this after i went home, and i bough 3 fried chicken-wing,buracho beans soup, 3 pudings-mango and coconut, meat flosh bread.

When i saw it again, why i only bough that. If i only bough that, it will makes me buy something again tomorrow (´_`。)

Lately if i'm work outside, there is something that make me want to go home as soon as possible.

It is because i miss yuki-kun ( p_q).....yuki-kun i love you♪