Reinforce Your Positive Mental Attitude | OBSN | アメリカで勝負を挑んでいる人たちのブログ

OBSN | アメリカで勝負を挑んでいる人たちのブログ


Reinforce Your Positive Mental Attitude
Today’s sales environment offers numerous challenges, to say the least. Maintaining a positive outlook can be difficult when encountering multiple obstacles, but you MUST.
Confidence is a key element in sales success, and the second you give in to doubts and fears you will lose your edge. Here are some key ways to reinforce your positive mental attitude (PMA):
Always have a plan and always know what your next step is. A lot of fear stems from uncertainty (and goodness knows today’s economy has plenty of that). However, if you carefully outline your short- and long-term goals and the milestones needed to accomplish them, you will remove that ambiguity from your future and feel more in control.
Remember that you have a choice regarding how you react to setbacks. No matter how many obstacles or how severe, you choose whether you will get frustrated, or simply deal with them. Frustration wastes precious time and energy. Staying positive by outlining a plan to surmount barriers and then following through can only add to your confidence.
Minimize negative influences in your life. When times are tough, news stories, office gossip and even complaints from friends can slowly chip away at your PMA. Be conscious of this and know when to shut those message sources off.
Stay healthy. The old adage of a healthy body makes for a healthy mind is very true when it comes to your confidence. A poor diet, lack of sleep and no exercise will negatively impact your ability to stay focused and confident, whereas eating well, sleeping for eight hours and working out will keep you sharp and positive.
Enrich yourself. While material success might not always come easy in a tough market, you can always enrich yourself in other ways, such as socially, mentally, spiritually or creatively. Take a course, read a book, reconnect with old friends, go somewhere you’ve never been. Self-enrichment will help you maximize your life enjoyment and get ready to tackle tough challenges with a cool, confident mindset.

皆さん、 上の文章は私が所属している会社が毎週送ってくるもので、週ごとに内容は変わります。












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