Hello everyone にっこり
I'm good!!
I was off from worknfor 5 days~
It felt like I was on vacation already!!

On Saturday, I spent the afternoon and the evening with a friend from work!
We ate dinner at her place~ She cooks really well, so it's always delicious to eat what she makes!
This time, it was some duck pasta!

Such a big portion!! 爆笑 I couldnt finish it all!! But it was delicious! ラブラブ And she made the recipe on the spot!! びっくり

After, we went to a summer play~

It was supposed to be a fun summer activity. We wanted to wear our summer dress~
But... it was raining so hard that day ガーン泣くうさぎ
Goodbye our summer dresses haha
But it was fun anyway!!

When we came back, we played video game for a while haha but it was late and I was tired so I left haha

Then on Sunday, I had a concert!!
For the first time ever!!! A Kpop group was doing a concert in Quebec city !!!!
The group is call PurpleKiss!
To be honest, I didnt know about the group!
But my friend was going, so I thought why not? It's been a while since I went to a kpop concert! And its so close!!

 I listened to the setlist two days before going 笑い泣き
I also really want to dress up for the concert!

This was my outfit!!
Going all in with the purple! Purple top, purple hair, purple makeup!
I wasnt supposed to have my hair purple, but when I went to the hairstylist, she didnt have the pink from last time so we went with purple! But I really like the color!!

I'm usually to shy to wear crop top, but i thoughr a kpop concert would be perfect for this look!!
I felt really confident!!

The concert itself was great!!

I bought my hello project penlight haha

I really liked the song they performed!!
Now I really want to go to an hello project concert!!
Concerts are great!!!

My friend and I are the three kingblade on the top left corner lol
We're all doing a seagull pose because during the mc, they were asked by fan to imitate a seagull 笑い泣き It kinda became a running gag during the show. It was funny!!

On Monday, I didnt do much lol I cant remember haha I went to see Vic and we watched my hero academia and demon slayer together.
The last episode of demon slayer though!!!! It was so good!!

On Tuesday, I did grocerie shopping and practice a dance and played Final Fantasy 16.

Yesterday, I went on a long walk on the trail near my last appartment in the morning!
It was nice to go after such a long time!

It was a beautiful day!!

During the afternoon, I went to a cafe near my place to write and study~

I did my japanese journal!
View isnt great but its still nice~

I put on some cute clothes to go~ チュー

And today, I worked!
With my trip to Calgary and my day off, I have a lot to catch up ネガティブ

I'll do my best!!

See you soon~流れ星


How are you?

I'm good, but a little bit tired!

This week, I went to Calgary for work!

I never thought I'd be going on a work trip in my life. To be honest, I was quite nervous before going. 驚き

At first, it was just me and one of my coworker. And then, I learned that someone else was coming. And then, I learned that my big boss was coming too. Phew!

There was a big conference with people from Registrar's office in all of the university in Canada! Pretty cool eh!


Before the trip, I was quite stressed. I had no idea what to bring to wear... It said business casual but I don't have any fancy clothes haha.

We were supposed to leave Sunday morning at 6am, but our flight got cancelled and changed the day before... Honestly, it was a bit of a pain to change again so we didn't arrive too late in Calgary.

In the end, our flight from Quebec was at 10h20 in the morning and then we had a 5h wait in Toronto before getting to Calgary.

Once we were in Toronto, my two coworkers and I stopped to eat at a restaurant in the airport. Our boss wasn't on the same flight as us.

I had fish'n'chips and it was quite good! Felt good to have a good meal. I tend to get hungry as well as feeling sick when I'm on plane.


The bad thing about being at the airport was that it really reminded me of my trips to Japan. I usually go to the airport for my trip to Japan so it felt weird. Definitely makes me want to go again... except for the 13h flight lol. I kept talking about Japan, so I felt a bit sorry for my coworkers lol. Couldn't help it.


Then, we finally arrived in Calgary. Took a cab and went to the hotel. It was about 8pm and I was honestly quite tired, so I didn't feel like going out. Actually, I was also starving. But!! The really cool thing about this work trip was that one of my friend from my hometown was also there for work! He also work at an university! And, even cooler thing is... his room was just in front of mine! It was soo useful to be able to just cross the hallway and get to his room lol. So on the first night, we ordered room service in his bedroom. He had quite a beautiful view in his room. Especially compared to mine lol

On Monday, we woke up pretty early because we had breakfast with the conference. The breakfast was so small though. I was starving after one hour! 泣くうさぎ But basically, I was hungry all the time during my stay. I don't know why. Maybe it was the jetlag (Calgary is 2h behind Quebec's hour). First conference was super boring lol. Not a fan of ted talk lol. I don't know, it didn't resonate with me. Then, we had a full day of different conference. Most were... ok I'd say. Didn't feel like I'd learn anything lol.


When the work day was finished, I met with my uncle and aunt! They have been living in Calgary for 10 years now and it was my first time going to Calgary, so I'd thought I'd met with them!  I don't se them often. They came at my hotel and we went to get bubble tea. It was delicious! And then, they brought me to their house, about 25 mins away from downtown. It was also the final of the Stanley Cup (hockey) that day and a team from Alberta was against Florida. So we watched the game as they cooked dinner. We chatted a lot! It was really nice to see them. I felt like they were really happy to have someone visit!


The cellphone reflection on my face 笑い泣き笑い泣き

On Tuesday, we had another full day of conference. That day was better. Most conferences were better than the first day. I also slept better that night, so I have more energy. After the work day, my friend and I went to get dinner. We stopped at a restaurant called Earls and I got steak and fries. It was delicious!


My friend and I rarely have time to chat since he lives quite far away. We usually see each others for like an hour when we meet in our hometown because he's so busy meeting everyone lol. And sometimes we play pokemon puzzle league online. So it was cool to actually have time with him.


After, we lent some scooters to visit around the city. My friend had walked a lot the day before so he didn't want to walk again, but I didn't get the chance to visit much so I wanted to go around. So we chose to go with a scooter. I was honestly quite scared haha but everything went well!


After that, we came back for a bit in his room and played Mario Kart on our switch. Then at around 9h15, we went to the Calgary tower. My two coworkers came to join us too! It was really nice! The view was super pretty! We could see the mountains! I wish we had the time to go... Next time, I'll take some time before to go I guess haha.


After the tower, we walked around and found a really nice spot in the roof. There were basketball courts and some nice photo spot. We laughed and had a lot of fun taking pictures! Also, at around 10pm it wasn't even that dark outside. So that was pretty neat.


On Wednesday, we have a pretty interesting talk in the morning and the first conference was also really interesting. We then left for the airport. Trip back was pretty normal. I arrived quite late at home, so I was super tired yesterday. I was working again haha.


And that's it for my trip!!! Sorry for the long post lol

I'm really glad I got this opportunity in the end, even if there were a lot of stressful things implied.

When I think back, it's quite crazy how far I come! When I was in high school and I'd imagine myself years later, I don't think I'd imagine it how I am right now.


But I'm proud. And happy! To be where I am in life now.


So, I'll continue to do my best and thrive!


That's all for today! See you soon!スター



Hello everyone!!

Guess what びっくりマークびっくりマーク


I went to see Haikyuu again last week 笑い泣き

I really wanted to see it again, so I decided to go on Friday afternoon since I was off from work.

Unfortunately, I had an unexpected situation at work and I had to leave a bit later. So I arrived a bit late at the theater ショボーン

But I only missed a few minutes at least!

It was still a really good movie! I hope we got to see the rest of the manga animated! I never read the manga, but I want to see the whole thing animated!!

I kinda want some Haikyuu merch too... I'll try to resist for now lol

But I really want to play volleyball lol


Last weekend, my friends from my hometown came to my place for the week-end!!

It was so much fun haha

They are so interesting and funny. I laughed so much with them and we always have so much fun.

We went shopping on saturday and also went to a korean fried chicken place for dinner! It was delicious!

On Sunday, they left early but we went to eat brunch together. It was delicious!


This week, I didn't do much except working haha

I went on walk when it was sunny!

And I also practice a new dance!

I really want to do dance cover again!! I miss dancing! I'm learning a dance from Juice=Juice new single these days.

I hope I can finish it and film it. Look forward to it!!


Yesterday, I met with two coworkers whom are now my friends I guess haha We all like Harry Potter really much and we became friends because of that!

And yesterday, we booked a trip to Universal Studio together!!! It's so exciting!!チューびっくりマークびっくりマーク

I can't wait to go with them! It's gonna be so fun!

It's still in a few months, but I'm really excited!! お願い


And today, I was meeting with another group of coworkers haha

I dressed up! It was sunny but not too hot, so I really wanted to try a new outfit!


This is what I was wearing!

What do you think?

I really like it! Isn't dressing up making you feel good? I felt so cool and confident today!

Dressing up and putting makeup is great for my mental health haha


We chatted outside for most of the afternoon and now I'm back at my place!


I'll see you soon!花


How are you?

I'm doing good!

I was able to dress up on Monday like I said in my last blogpost!

The weather was good, so I put my long skirt I got in Japan ラブラブ

The skirt is from Honeys and I got it when I was in Japan last october!
The t-shirt is from uniqlo! I got it at the same time as my Haikyuu t-shirt ニコニコ
My shoes are from yesstyle! Although I never wear them 笑い泣き
I also end up changing shoes as soon and I got to work lol

We had a meeting during the afternoon with everyone from the office!! It was nice to see everyone~ We also had a cocktail after. I'm happy I could chat with a lot of people ~ チュー

Yesterday, I also went to the office so I dressed up again

Once again, tshirt is from uniqlo and pants are from Honey haha
I felt so cool!!
I had an important meeting in the afternoon. Feeling well dressed really helped!!
The meeting went well!
I'm glad my big boss is great!! I feel at ease with him!

Also!!! I never told you but I'm officially an employee now. I was still a contract worker until recently... ショボーン It doesnt change much but now I can finally say that I have my own post!! 照れ It makes me happy since I worked so hard!

Last year, I was about to come back from my work arrest because of my burn out. Since then, I feel like I've worked hard, but my work is finally recognized! And our new big boss listen to us and provides solution.

So work has been going better nowadays even if its not perfect!

This week, it's also the beginning of our summer schedule. I'm not working on Friday pm 照れ

I might go see Haikyu again on theater since I have the afternoon and its supposed to be rainy.
I've seen it once but... i wanna see it again えーんハートブレイク It was so good!

I'll tell you if I go!!

For now, I'm going to read a bit before sleeping! ふとん1ふとん3

Good night! スター


I'm writing again!!!

Even I am surprised 笑い泣き

I was reading this blog two days ago and I felt like I should write more again! 

After all, I really enjoy writing here but also reading back as years go by!

So I'll try to write more! We'll see how it goes though 笑い泣き

Yesterday, I met with one of my friend and we went on a trail in the mountain!

It was a small mountain though にやり

A bigger mountain would be hard to do for me! It was an easy one, but it was fun and rewarding!!!

I managed to talk to my friend about my two passions lately: Haikyuu and Final Fantasy 16!! チュー

Like I said in my last vlog, I'm really into Haikyuu recently.

But also!!! Somehow I start a Final Fantasy that is not the 10th!! びっくりびっくり

So far, the 16th one is soooo fun!!!

I'm really enjoying it!!

Anyway, I was blabbering about it for a long time haha Thanks to my friend for listening to my talking about it with so much enthusiasm!! 笑い泣きラブラブ I'm thankful!!

This is us at the summit!! We were so happy!! Except about all the mosquitoes trying to bit us haha

After this, we went back to her place and went to her appart's pool. There were a few of her friends and we talked for some time before heading back to eat dinner. My friend cooked so well. It's always a pleasure to eat what she's making!!
And after, we played Mario on my wiiU since I lent it to her. I'm not using it at the moment anyway haha And we can play when I go to her place!

It was a fun day チュー

And today I was so tired from my day yesterday that I didnt do much. Lol
I played Final Fantasy, watched My hero academia and Demon slayer online with Vic and I went on a small walk.

Tomorrow, I'm going to the office but it's suppose to be sunny and hot, so I'm gonna try to dress up nicely 照れ Kinda excited about it haha

See you soon ~

Another picture from last thursday!

See you soon ラブラブ