
How are you?

I'm doing good!

I was able to dress up on Monday like I said in my last blogpost!

The weather was good, so I put my long skirt I got in Japan ラブラブ

The skirt is from Honeys and I got it when I was in Japan last october!
The t-shirt is from uniqlo! I got it at the same time as my Haikyuu t-shirt ニコニコ
My shoes are from yesstyle! Although I never wear them 笑い泣き
I also end up changing shoes as soon and I got to work lol

We had a meeting during the afternoon with everyone from the office!! It was nice to see everyone~ We also had a cocktail after. I'm happy I could chat with a lot of people ~ チュー

Yesterday, I also went to the office so I dressed up again

Once again, tshirt is from uniqlo and pants are from Honey haha
I felt so cool!!
I had an important meeting in the afternoon. Feeling well dressed really helped!!
The meeting went well!
I'm glad my big boss is great!! I feel at ease with him!

Also!!! I never told you but I'm officially an employee now. I was still a contract worker until recently... ショボーン It doesnt change much but now I can finally say that I have my own post!! 照れ It makes me happy since I worked so hard!

Last year, I was about to come back from my work arrest because of my burn out. Since then, I feel like I've worked hard, but my work is finally recognized! And our new big boss listen to us and provides solution.

So work has been going better nowadays even if its not perfect!

This week, it's also the beginning of our summer schedule. I'm not working on Friday pm 照れ

I might go see Haikyu again on theater since I have the afternoon and its supposed to be rainy.
I've seen it once but... i wanna see it again えーんハートブレイク It was so good!

I'll tell you if I go!!

For now, I'm going to read a bit before sleeping! ふとん1ふとん3

Good night! スター