Hello everyone にっこり
I'm good!!
I was off from worknfor 5 days~
It felt like I was on vacation already!!

On Saturday, I spent the afternoon and the evening with a friend from work!
We ate dinner at her place~ She cooks really well, so it's always delicious to eat what she makes!
This time, it was some duck pasta!

Such a big portion!! 爆笑 I couldnt finish it all!! But it was delicious! ラブラブ And she made the recipe on the spot!! びっくり

After, we went to a summer play~

It was supposed to be a fun summer activity. We wanted to wear our summer dress~
But... it was raining so hard that day ガーン泣くうさぎ
Goodbye our summer dresses haha
But it was fun anyway!!

When we came back, we played video game for a while haha but it was late and I was tired so I left haha

Then on Sunday, I had a concert!!
For the first time ever!!! A Kpop group was doing a concert in Quebec city !!!!
The group is call PurpleKiss!
To be honest, I didnt know about the group!
But my friend was going, so I thought why not? It's been a while since I went to a kpop concert! And its so close!!

 I listened to the setlist two days before going 笑い泣き
I also really want to dress up for the concert!

This was my outfit!!
Going all in with the purple! Purple top, purple hair, purple makeup!
I wasnt supposed to have my hair purple, but when I went to the hairstylist, she didnt have the pink from last time so we went with purple! But I really like the color!!

I'm usually to shy to wear crop top, but i thoughr a kpop concert would be perfect for this look!!
I felt really confident!!

The concert itself was great!!

I bought my hello project penlight haha

I really liked the song they performed!!
Now I really want to go to an hello project concert!!
Concerts are great!!!

My friend and I are the three kingblade on the top left corner lol
We're all doing a seagull pose because during the mc, they were asked by fan to imitate a seagull 笑い泣き It kinda became a running gag during the show. It was funny!!

On Monday, I didnt do much lol I cant remember haha I went to see Vic and we watched my hero academia and demon slayer together.
The last episode of demon slayer though!!!! It was so good!!

On Tuesday, I did grocerie shopping and practice a dance and played Final Fantasy 16.

Yesterday, I went on a long walk on the trail near my last appartment in the morning!
It was nice to go after such a long time!

It was a beautiful day!!

During the afternoon, I went to a cafe near my place to write and study~

I did my japanese journal!
View isnt great but its still nice~

I put on some cute clothes to go~ チュー

And today, I worked!
With my trip to Calgary and my day off, I have a lot to catch up ネガティブ

I'll do my best!!

See you soon~流れ星