Hello everyone!!

Guess what びっくりマークびっくりマーク


I went to see Haikyuu again last week 笑い泣き

I really wanted to see it again, so I decided to go on Friday afternoon since I was off from work.

Unfortunately, I had an unexpected situation at work and I had to leave a bit later. So I arrived a bit late at the theater ショボーン

But I only missed a few minutes at least!

It was still a really good movie! I hope we got to see the rest of the manga animated! I never read the manga, but I want to see the whole thing animated!!

I kinda want some Haikyuu merch too... I'll try to resist for now lol

But I really want to play volleyball lol


Last weekend, my friends from my hometown came to my place for the week-end!!

It was so much fun haha

They are so interesting and funny. I laughed so much with them and we always have so much fun.

We went shopping on saturday and also went to a korean fried chicken place for dinner! It was delicious!

On Sunday, they left early but we went to eat brunch together. It was delicious!


This week, I didn't do much except working haha

I went on walk when it was sunny!

And I also practice a new dance!

I really want to do dance cover again!! I miss dancing! I'm learning a dance from Juice=Juice new single these days.

I hope I can finish it and film it. Look forward to it!!


Yesterday, I met with two coworkers whom are now my friends I guess haha We all like Harry Potter really much and we became friends because of that!

And yesterday, we booked a trip to Universal Studio together!!! It's so exciting!!チューびっくりマークびっくりマーク

I can't wait to go with them! It's gonna be so fun!

It's still in a few months, but I'm really excited!! お願い


And today, I was meeting with another group of coworkers haha

I dressed up! It was sunny but not too hot, so I really wanted to try a new outfit!


This is what I was wearing!

What do you think?

I really like it! Isn't dressing up making you feel good? I felt so cool and confident today!

Dressing up and putting makeup is great for my mental health haha


We chatted outside for most of the afternoon and now I'm back at my place!


I'll see you soon!花