【13】スムージー生活はじまりはじまり | 九転十起~前立腺がんに負けてたまるか!~


2021年9月PSA28.4→47まで上昇、11月前立腺がん骨転移あり ホルモン治療を止めることを独断で決め 2022年6月からリコピン人参のみで監視中

English version

























・ニッチャラ特製スムージー 500mlほど















English version

[13] Here is start of my Smoothie Life.


Hello, I am Nicchara, fighting Prostate Cancer patient.


I am not the type of person who can just listen to what the doctor says and endure the painful side effects, so I started looking for something else I could do.


There I came across the blog of Nobuyoshi Kuwano, also known as Kuwaman.

He was diagnosed with stage 3b colorectal cancer and has survived surgery and stoma placement while enduring painful chemotherapy.

He had a very disordered diet for decades until he was diagnosed with cancer... BAM!

He said he drank about “two Astrodomes full of alcohol”.

According to his blog, he continued chemotherapy after his surgery, but stopped it after suffering from severe side effects of nausea and diarrhea. There, he drastically changed his lifestyle to a healthy one. He eats black garlic, home grows herbs, and making smoothies using those and drink it every day.


Quote from Nobuyoshi Kuwano & MASA’s blog: 
“My daily special smoothies“
I'm having a special smoothie made by Kuwaman. After my follow-up surgery in May, I'm continuing my lifestyle to try eliminating cancer cells from my body. I'm also drinking vegetable soup and ginger soup...

So, I decided to make my own original smoothies….
Putting aside about the taste, I just tried to put in things that looked good for the body from all ends.


In addition to the classic smoothies’ ingredients, Komatsuna (the Japanese mustard spinach), and carrots, I added onions and fresh garlic because they seem to be good for the body.
Raw onions and garlic teste horrible!!! 
It's worse than the punishment.

I switched to dried Shiitake mushrooms and black vinegar garlic instead, and well, I can handle that!

The dried shiitake mushrooms make the sound that I have never heard before, and the blender spins around frantically. Go for it, blender!



To be honest, I can't say it tastes good, but I take it as “good medicine” and drink a generous 500ml or so every day.


Now it's a part of my daily routine!

By the way, my daily breakfast (500 ml of Nicchara's special smoothie) ingredients are;

-      FANCL Frozen “Aojiru”

-      Fresh fruits (Bananas, Kiwi, Oranges are standard)

-      A slices of toast + honey + tea

I used to eat plenty of milk, fruit, and yogurt instead of smoothies.
I have been a huge milk lover since I was a child, and I drank milk like calf. 
Now I wonder if this excess of dairy products was not good for me....
Now, I have stopped consuming milk and yogurt.
I can't help taking processed dairy foods, but I have completely stopped drinking or eating milk or yogurt as I used to. I am a bit extreme.
I sometime hear about the things “Good for cancer”.
I even don’t know it is scientifically proven or not, but anyway, I think it would reduce mental stress to try them while consulting with your physical condition.

When Mr. Kuwaman stopped chemotherapy, his doctor told him, “I can't promise that you won't have a recurrence even if you continue the treatment. Just because you stop the treatment does not mean it will recur. Please make your own decision.”

How do you want to live?
I want to face cancer proactively.
My life is mine.

Well then!