【11】副作用がつらい… | 九転十起~前立腺がんに負けてたまるか!~


2021年9月PSA28.4→47まで上昇、11月前立腺がん骨転移あり ホルモン治療を止めることを独断で決め 2022年6月からリコピン人参のみで監視中

English version








3) 体重減少







5) 心肺機能の低下









English version


[12] Side effects are painful...


I started hormone therapy for prostate cancer a few months ago.

Here are some of the side effects that came up.


(1) Hot flash-like burning

I feel burning, heavy-headed, and foggy. I could not get rid of the heavy, flushed feeling.

(2) Loss of skin luster

The skin, especially on my face, lost its luster to the point of being frightening.

(3) Weight loss

I am 175 cm tall, and about 77 kg, but since starting hormone therapy, my weight dropped 7 kg.

I think the weight loss is probably due to muscle loss rather than a side effect of hormone therapy. When I go to the pool, people say, “You're one size smaller.”

By the way, my appetite hasn't waned at all.

(4) Decline in physical strength

This was the most difficult thing for me to endure...

I was so confident in my fitness that I would go on road bike trips, participate in many triathlons in my 40s, go to a taekwondo dojo three times a week, and even try for a black belt at a karate dojo from age 50, but I was quickly falling off.

When I walked up the stairs at the station or walked for 15 minutes, I feel worn out, as if I feel like rapidly become an old man. I began to feel fear and impatience

(5) Decreased cardiopulmonary function

I was able to swim 3 kilometers, but now I can only swim 500 meters with frequent stops. My lungs and heart functions are in shambles.


Anyway, I decided to continue exercising as much as I could so that my physical strength would not decline any further.
I believe, swimming is a good exercise that can be continued without strain on the body, I had been swimming at the indoor pool of a nearby elementary school for some time, but I decided to take this opportunity to join a sports club and swim every day.
According to my doctor's policy, I should continue hormones therapy for good.
I felt, it's not acceptable that this will continue for years to come.
I began to seriously consider stopping hormone therapy.

Well then!