【10】治療開始と治験の打診 | 九転十起~前立腺がんに負けてたまるか!~


2021年9月PSA28.4→47まで上昇、11月前立腺がん骨転移あり ホルモン治療を止めることを独断で決め 2022年6月からリコピン人参のみで監視中

English version













English version

[10] Start of treatment and clinical trial approach


Hello, I am Nichara, fighting Prostate Cancer patient.


Finally, hospital was determined, and full-scale treatment began at T-Hospital.


I had metastasis and my GS was not good (4 + 5 = 9).

In my case, I basically had no other option but to hormone therapy.

Dr. M, the head of the urology department at T-Hospital, who became my new attending physician, also suggested that I should take Bicalutamide (an oral antiandrogenic drug) and Zolatex vaccination (an injection).


I had already started taking Bicalutamide when I found out the results of the biopsy, and I also received the first Zolatex injection (once every 3 months) on the day the bone metastasis was confirmed.

After one month of hormone therapy, PSA score was reduced from 47 to 13.6 by taking one month of Bicalutamide, and then to 1.4 after the first dose of Zolatex.
The effect of the hormone therapy was clearly visible!

At the same time, I was asked by the T-Hospital about a “clinical trial” and was told that if I had a genetic mutation, my symptoms would be eligible for the trial. I was very excited to participate in the trial because I wanted to try a new drug that might improve my condition. But unfortunately, the test results show no genetic mutation, and I was not eligible for the trial.
I was hoping that if I was eligible for the clinical trial, I would not have to pay for the drugs and tests.

I was grateful that my PSA score were steadily dropping, but I began to suffer from cardiopulmonary heart break function, rapid muscle weakness, and hot flash-pumping-like symptoms at this time.

Well then!