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Q1. Who was the first man to walk on the moon?


(1) Yury Gagarin

(2) Neil Armstrong

(3) John Glenn

(4) Buzz Aldrin












Correct Answer: Neil Armstrong


It was none other than Neil Armstrong, on July 20, 1969. On that special day in history, Neil became the first astronaut to walk on the moon. Along with buddy Buzz, the pair took a stroll for about three hours. They picked up moon rocks and dust for colleagues back home. And America watched on TV, breathlessly. Surreal stuff!




Q2. Which is the largest country in South America?


(1) Algentina

(2) Brazil

(3) Peru

(4) Chile













(訳) 南アメリカで一番大きい国はどこですか。


Correct Answer: Brazil


Many countries might wish they had the title, but based on land area, Brazil wins this prize. As the largest country in South America, 8.5 million square kilometers host rainforest and cityscape alike. São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, anyone? The runner-up is Argentina, but quite far behind with 2.8 million square kilometers. Brazil is almost half of the continent!




Q3. What is Japanese sake actually made from?


(1) wheat

(2) grapes

(3) almond

(4) rice
















Correct Answer: rice


Anyone who's ever gone out for sushi noticed it on the menu. But what is it, really? Sake is an alcoholic drink made of fermented rice. The process is similar to beer brewing, but the grain produces a very different elixir. Some people call it Japanese rice wine, but don't be fooled: There are absolutely no grapes involved!




Q4. What was the first satellite ever launched into space?


(1) Callisto

(2) Minuta

(3) Proteus

(4) Sputnik













Correct Answer: Sputnik


It wasn't entirely successful, but any firsts deserve a mention in history. Sputnik was the very first satellite, launched into orbit above the earth by The Soviet Union in 1957. It seemed like it was going okay, for about three weeks. But then, the batteries died! The result was silent circling in space for two months, and then a sad death. Sputnik fell back into the atmosphere, never to be used again!




Q5. Where is the largest rainforest in the world?


(1) Thailand 

(2) Brazil

(3) Inidia

(4) Mexico













Correct Answer: Brazil


Most of the Amazon rainforest is located in Brazil. It's no common jungle, as any biologist can testify. Within its leafy treetops and mysterious rivers are 10 million species! The total area is around 2,700,000 sq mi covering parts of 9 nations in the region. Amazingly, the Amazon represents over half the world's remaining rainforest: That's 390 billion trees!


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