Ex26 幕屋Ⅰ | 新教会牧師書斎の窓



















1. 天界の形をとるそれぞれには、多くが集って一緒になる、天界的調和に従い生まれます。
2. 愛は霊的結合で、そこには天界的調和があります。
3. あらゆる個人が結合するためには、普遍的な結びつきが必要です。
4. 普遍的な結びつきが、個々人の結びつきに流れ入り、結びつきを作らなければなりません。
5. 普遍的な結びつきは主です、つまり主からの愛であり、従って主への愛です。
6. 個々の結びつきはここに由来しており、相互愛あるいは隣人愛もそうです。



26:1 次に、幕屋を覆う十枚の幕を織りなさい。亜麻のより糸、青、紫、緋色の糸を使って意匠家の描いたケルビムの模様を織り上げなさい。
26:2 一枚の幕は長さ二十八アンマ、幅四アンマで、すべての幕を同じ寸法にする。
26:3 五枚の幕をつづり合わせ、他の五枚も同じようにする。
26:4 青い糸の輪を作り、一方のつづり合わせたものの端に当たる幕の縁と、もう一方のつづり合わせたものの最後の幕の縁とにそれを並べる。
26:5 一方の幕について五十の輪、他方のつづり合わせたものの幕にも五十の輪を作り、互いに合うように並べて付ける。
26:6 そこに、五十の金の留め金を作り、両方の幕をそれらで留め合わせる。こうして幕屋を一つに仕上げる。

21:15 わたしに語りかけた天使は、都とその門と城壁とを測るために、金の物差しを持っていた。
21:16 この都は四角い形で、長さと幅が同じであった。天使が物差しで都を測ると、一万二千スタディオンあった。長さも幅も高さも同じである。
21:17 また、城壁を測ると、百四十四ペキスであった。これは人間の物差しによって測ったもので、天使が用いたものもこれである。



9594. And thou shalt make the Habitation. That this signifies the second or middle heaven, is evident from the signification of “the Habitation,” when said of the Divine, as being heaven, in particular the middle or second heaven. It is known that there are three heavens: the inmost, the middle, and the ultimate; or the third, the second, and the first. All these heavens were represented by the tabernacle: by the ark, where the Testimony was, the inmost or third heaven; by the Habitation, where were the table for the breads of faces and the lampstand, the middle or second heaven; and by the court, the ultimate or first heaven. That there are three heavens is because there are three degrees of life in man (for the man who becomes an angel after death constitutes heaven; from no other source are the angels, from no other is heaven). The inmost degree of the man’s life is for the inmost heaven; the middle degree of his life is for the middle heaven; and the ultimate degree is for the ultimate heaven. Man being such, or so formed, and heaven being from the human race, there are therefore three heavens.

[2] These three degrees of life in man are opened successively; the first degree by a life in accordance with what is equitable and just; the second degree by a life in accordance with the truths of faith from the Word, and in accordance with the consequent goods of charity toward the neighbor; and the third degree by a life in accordance with the good of mutual love and the good of love to the Lord. These are the means whereby are successively opened these three degrees of life in man, thus the three heavens in him. But be it known that in proportion as a man recedes from the good of life, and accedes to the evil of life, these degrees are closed, that is, the heavens are closed in him; for just as the good of life opens them, so the evil of life closes them. It is from this that all who are in evil are outside of heaven, thus are in hell. And because, as before said, the heavens are successively opened in a man according to the good of his life, be it known that for this reason in some the first heaven is opened and not the second; and in some the second heaven is opened and not the third; and that the third heaven is opened in those only who are in the good of life from love to the Lord. (That a man is heaven in the least form, and that he was created after the image both of heaven and of the world, may be seen in the passages cited in n. 9279).

26:21 「四十個の銀の台座を作り」
From this it is that good has ability, but not determined to anything except by means of truth. Ability determined is actual power, consequently is supporting power.(AC9643-1)

as regards its length the Habitation was placed from east to west, and that the entrance was toward the east, and the ark toward the west; consequently the sides were toward the south and the north. The eastern quarter of the Habitation represented the state of good in its rising; the western quarter the state of good in its going down; the southern quarter the state of truth in its light; and the northern quarter the state of truth in its shade.

[3] 天使的社会が結合して一つの天界となるには、以下の法則を参照して下さい。
1. 天界の形をとるそれぞれには、多くが集って一緒になる天界的調和に従い生まれます
2. 愛は霊的結合で、そこには天界的調和があります。
3. あらゆる個人が結合するためには、普遍的な結びつきが必要です。
4. 普遍的な結びつきが、個々人の結びつきに流れ入り、結びつきを作らなければなりません。
5. 普遍的な結びつきは主です、つまり主からの愛であり、従って主への愛です。
6. 個々の結びつきはここに由来しており、相互愛あるいは隣人愛もそうです。

[3] The conjunction of the angelic societies into one heaven has reference to these laws: 
1. Everyone in the form of the heavens comes forth in accordance with the heavenly harmony of many associated together. 
2. Love is spiritual conjunction, whence comes heavenly harmony. 
3. There must be a universal bond, in order that all the individuals may be held together in conjunction. 4. The universal bond must flow into the individual bonds, and must make them. 
5. The universal bond is the Lord, thus love from Him, and consequently love to Him. 
6. The individual bonds are derived from this, and are those of mutual love, or of charity toward the neighbor. These are the laws by virtue of which heaven, consisting of innumerable angelic societies, is nevertheless as one man.


[3]人の中と同じようなことが幕屋の中でも起こると言われます、なぜなら自然界の表象的な事柄は人間の形に関係し、その関係に従った意味を持つからです(n. 9496)。
人の外的なものには四つの覆いがあり、内的なものすべてを囲み覆いますが、毛と皮膚と呼ばれます。内的な物事がこれらに相応することは経験によってわかります(5552-5559, 8980)。同じことが

 Similar things were represented in the coverings which constituted the expanse of the tabernacle. From this the understanding may borrow some light concerning the forms of heaven; and yet this light would be extinguished with all those who have not a distinct knowledge of the things that are in the human body, and who have not at the same time a distinct knowledge of the spiritual things of faith and the celestial things of love, to which these things correspond. As with most people both the latter and the former things are in shade, nay, in thick darkness, not only from the lack of knowledge, but also from lack of faith, it is needless to unfold them further; for, as before said, they would not fall into any idea, because of the lack of intellectual light on such subjects.

For unless the external things which are of the body exactly corresponded to the internal things which are of the understanding and the will, there would not be any life in the body, and consequently there would not be any corresponding acts.

[3] It is said that like things occur in the tabernacle as in man, because the representatives in nature bear relation to the human form, and have a signification according to their relation to it (n. 9496). There are four coverings in man’s external things that encompass and enclose all the interior things, and which are called coats and skins. To what internal things these correspond may be seen from experience (n. 5552-5559, 8980). Similar things were represented in the coverings which constituted the expanse of the tabernacle. From this the understanding may borrow some light concerning the forms of heaven; and yet this light would be extinguished with all those who have not a distinct knowledge of the things that are in the human body, and who have not at the same time a distinct knowledge of the spiritual things of faith and the celestial things of love, to which these things correspond. As with most people both the latter and the former things are in shade, nay, in thick darkness, not only from the lack of knowledge, but also from lack of faith, it is needless to unfold them further; for, as before said, they would not fall into any idea, because of the lack of intellectual light on such subjects.
9637. And a cubit and half a cubit the breadth of one plank. That this signifies the truth from it which conjoins, as much as is sufficient, is evident from the signification of “one and a half,” as being what is full (see n. 9487-9489), thus also as much as is sufficient, for this is what is full. The reason why this truth is from it, that is, from the good which is signified by “the planks of shittim wood” (n. 9634, 9635), is that every good has its truth, and every truth its good. Good without truth does not appear, and truth without good does not exist, for truth is the form of good, and good is the being of truth. It is from form that good appears, and it is from being that truth exists. The case herein is like that of flame and light; flame without light does not appear, and therefore it emits from itself light that it may appear; and light without flame does not exist. It is the same with man’s will and his understanding; the will does not appear without the understanding, and the understanding does not exist without the will. As it is with good and truth, or with flame and light, or again with the will and understanding, even so it is with love and faith, for all good is of love, and all truth is of faith from love; and man’s will has been allotted to the reception of the good which is of love, and his understanding to the reception of the truth which is of faith. Moreover, love is the flame or fire of life, and faith is the light of life.

証を中に納めた箱によって、主がおられる最内部の天界が表され(9457, 9481, 9485)、ベールの外側の住いが中間天界を表します(9594)。そして主への愛が最内部天界を造り、隣人愛の善が中間天界を造るように、ベールは霊的善と天的善を結び付ける仲介を意味します。霊的善は隣人への仁愛の善であり、天的善は主への愛です(天界はこれらの善によって区別されることは上記 9277)。

[2] These two heavens, namely the inmost and the middle, are so distinct that there is no entrance from the one into the other. But still they constitute one heaven by means of intermediate angelic societies, which are of such a genius that they can accede to the good of both heavens. These societies are what constitute the uniting intermediate which was represented by the veil. It has also been sometimes granted me to speak with angels from these societies. The quality of the angels of the inmost heaven, and the relative quality of the angels of the middle heaven, can be seen from correspondence. To the angels of the inmost heaven correspond those things in man which belong to the province of the heart, and to that of the cerebellum; but to the angels of the middle heaven correspond those things in man which belong to the province of the lungs, and to that of the cerebrum. The things that belong to the heart and the cerebellum are called involuntary and spontaneous, because they so appear; but those which belong to the lungs and the cerebrum are called voluntary. From this can in some measure be seen the nature of the perfection of the one heaven over the other, and also the nature of the difference between them. But to the intermediate angels who accede to both heavens, and conjoin them, correspond the cardiac and pulmonary networks of blood vessels by means of which is effected the conjunction of the heart with the lungs; and also the medulla oblongata, in which the fiber of the cerebellum is conjoined with the fiber of the cerebrum.

AC9670. And thou shalt make a veil. That this signifies the intermediate which unites this heaven and the inmost heaven, thus spiritual good with celestial good, is evident from the signification of the “veil,” which made a division between the Habitation where was the ark of the Testimony, and the place where were the lampstand and the table on which were the breads of faces, as being the intermediate which unites the middle heaven and the inmost heaven; for by the ark in which was the Testimony was represented the inmost heaven, where the Lord is (see n. 9457, 9481, 9485), and by the Habitation outside the veil was represented the middle heaven (n. 9594). And as the good of love to the Lord makes the inmost heaven, and the good of charity toward the neighbor makes the middle heaven, therefore by the “veil” is also signified the intermediate which unites spiritual good and celestial good. Spiritual good is the good of charity toward the neighbor, and celestial good is the good of love to the Lord (that the heavens are distinguished according to these goods, may be seen f rom the citations given above n. 9277). From all this it is now evident what is signified by the “veil,” both in the tabernacle and in the temple.

[2] These two heavens, namely the inmost and the middle, are so distinct that there is no entrance from the one into the other. But still they constitute one heaven by means of intermediate angelic societies, which are of such a genius that they can accede to the good of both heavens. These societies are what constitute the uniting intermediate which was represented by the veil. It has also been sometimes granted me to speak with angels from these societies. The quality of the angels of the inmost heaven, and the relative quality of the angels of the middle heaven, can be seen from correspondence. To the angels of the inmost heaven correspond those things in man which belong to the province of the heart, and to that of the cerebellum; but to the angels of the middle heaven correspond those things in man which belong to the province of the lungs, and to that of the cerebrum. The things that belong to the heart and the cerebellum are called involuntary and spontaneous, because they so appear; but those which belong to the lungs and the cerebrum are called voluntary. From this can in some measure be seen the nature of the perfection of the one heaven over the other, and also the nature of the difference between them. But to the intermediate angels who accede to both heavens, and conjoin them, correspond the cardiac and pulmonary networks of blood vessels by means of which is effected the conjunction of the heart with the lungs; and also the medulla oblongata, in which the fiber of the cerebellum is conjoined with the fiber of the cerebrum.

[2] 主からの流入は人それぞれにも直接的です、なぜなら直接的流入無しには、間接的流入は意味をなさないからです。
直接流入は、人と天使にある秩序に従い受け入れられ、かくして神的なものからの神的真理に従うことによって受け入れられます。なぜならこれが秩序であるからです。(n. 1728, 1919, 2447, 4839, 5703, 7995, 8512, 8513, 8700, 8988)

[2] The influx of the Lord is also immediate with everyone, for without immediate influx the mediate effects nothing. Immediate influx is received according to the order in which the man or angel is, thus according to the Divine truth which is from the Divine, because this is order (n. 1728, 1919, 2447, 4839, 5703, 7995, 8512, 8513, 8700, 8988); and so it is order itself with man that he should live in the good which is from the Lord, that is, that he should live from the Lord. This influx is continual, and is adjoined to each and all things of the will of man, directing them as much as possible into order, for man’s own will is continually leading him away from order. It is the same with the voluntary and involuntary things in man. His voluntary things continually lead away from order, but the involuntary ones continually bring back to order. It is for this reason that the motion of the heart, which is involuntary, is completely removed from man’s will, and in like manner the action of the cerebellum; and that the motions of the heart, and the powers of the cerebellum, direct the voluntary things, to prevent them from rushing beyond bounds and extinguishing the life of the body before its time; and therefore the primal activities of both the involuntary and the voluntary things in the whole body go on conjointly. These things have been said in order in some measure to illustrate the idea about the immediate and the mediate influx of the celestial things of love and the spiritual things of faith from the Lord.