Overcoming Nationalism:

The Task for the Proletarian Revolution in the Colonies and Backward Countries



Even if a country is a backward capitalist nation, subject to various political, military and economic restrictions from the imperialist countries, as long as a capitalist state is established, it is highly idealistic to assume and insist, as the bureaucrat of JRCL-RMF does, that “spontaneous national sentiments” has arisen from the workers and peasants. This is because nationalism was and is always produced by the bourgeoisie; as the ruling class, they have to spread nationalist ideology in the process of establishing their own state and after its establishment in order to govern and integrate the working class and peasants into the modern nation-state. Therefore, individual workers and peasants have formed their consciousness by accepting and internalizing the false ideology of nationalism propagated and instilled by the bourgeoisie as the holders of state power. Their consciousness is not automatically generated.


Precisely for this reason, the vanguard party built by the revolutionary proletarians of this backward country must carry out a profound ideological struggle not only against the holders of state power, but also against the dominant intellectuals of the bourgeoisie who educate the people in nationalism, which is a false ideology. The revolutionary Marxist must persistently and systematically develop the ideological struggle in various processes of struggle, as well as through their self-reflection, in order to liberate the proletariat and the peasantry from the ideology of nationalism that they have accepted and internalised. It is not the task of the vanguard party to take seriously “the national consciousness” of the working people of such a country.


Therefore, it is an idealistic manipulation of concepts to perceive and describe the problems created between such capitalist states and imperialist states as the “national question”.


In contrast, let's look at the colonial situation in Lenin's time or in the 1950s and 1960s. We can understand the issue of imperialist countries making a certain territory a colony and directly controlling the workers and peasants there as a “national question”.


In cases where the land was a colony of an imperialist country, the workers and peasants of that land would harbour resentment and the will to resist this control in the form of national consciousness based on the fact that they were directly ruled by a foreign state. As a material and ideological basis, the proletarian party built by the revolutionary proletarians of that land has to clarify and raise the demand for “national independence” as a transitional demand for the proletarian revolution in that colony, as a part of the proletarian world revolution.


The imperialist states and monopolies invest capital directly in their colonies, subjugate the landlord class in these countries and transform the peasants into tenant farmers or agricultural proletarians of newly established plantation systems. At the same time, they develop mining and industry, nurturing capitalists who operate under their direction while expropriating land from the peasants and transforming them into industrial proletarians. The capitalists nurtured during this period become the comprador bourgeoisie. On the other hand, the relatively upper strata of these countries, which resisted this movement of colonization, developed into the national bourgeoisie, petty producers and intellectuals, forming various classes and strata. These segments produce and spread the ideology of nationalism under the banner of "national independence" among the workers and peasants, including the agricultural proletarians.


The proletarian party must encourage the workers, agricultural proletarians and peasants working under the landlords to break away from nationalism and develop class consciousness by organizing them as a class. The party must form a united front by allying with the national bourgeoisie and other layers under the hegemony of the proletariat. This united front should be the driving force in the struggle against colonial rule, exploitation and plunder. The proletarian party must develop this united front to the formation of soviets and, on this material basis, carry out the tasks of “national independence” and proletarian tasks in this country as the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat under the international class unity of the proletariat with the imperialist mother countries.


What has been written above is a subjective explanation of how to carry out the proletarian revolution in the colony, that is, the structure that we have clarified as subjects who should promote the struggle for the proletarian world revolution.


Apart from this, i.e. the clarification of the structure of the colonial revolution, in countries where capitalist states have already been established, we must reveal the structure of how we ourselves, as the revolutionary vanguard, organize the proletariat as the subject of realizing the revolution.











 だからまた、このような資本主義国家と帝国主義国家とのあいだに生みだされている問題を「民族問題(national question)」というように捉え、そのように描きあげるのは、観念的な意識操作なのである。






