“WGIP” War Guilt Information Program | 中杉 弘の徒然日記

中杉 弘の徒然日記


Japan was tricked an American scheme and attacked Pearl Harbor!



They brainwashed Japanese and planted expiation consciousness thoroughly.

They put Tokyo Tribunal of War Criminals and the policy which plants expiation consciousness in Japanese by “WGIP” and weakens Japan by all fields into effect.

This was done as part of GHQ’s Japanese occupation policy.

Still left wing in Japan is brainwashed by it.

Left wing thinks that Japan is a bad country so it is better to lose Japan.

They are trying to get rid of the imperial family, going to make the emperor a death penalty, destroying from inside of Japan.

Actually, America most afraid of Japan.

Japanese made the best computer in the world!

There are many computer companies in the world, Japanese company occupies from 1st place to 5th.

Japanese Super computer is also amazing!

It can predict everything from world weather to ocean currents.

No country cannot catch up Japan.

Activating the computer generates a lot of heat.

It's possible to conduct electricity, dampen the enthusiasm by hydrogen fluoride of blue liquid.

Because Korea wants it, actually.

There is no enemy in the field of PC, 1st place of the world rank in Japan.

Not only that, for example, it is possible to dispense medicine according to the DNA.

In other words, you can get the right medicine for yourself, it can also make computer viruses!

For example, analyzing a huge amount of date on enemy countries that have nuclear weapons, explodes the moment of the enemy presses the button of nuclear weapon towards Japan!

So, the PIN code of nuclear weapon is almost meaningless.

Even enemy have a nuclear weapon, firing it will return and explode!

It is said that if this goes further, medicine for immortality will be possible.

Because you know the cause of aging.

What can take hundreds of years in one day when done with a normal computer.

The time has finally come for Westerners to be overtaken by the feared yellow race.

In the Great East Asia War, America attacked by two atomic bombs, killed Japanese in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and forced Japan to end the war.

But such sneaky means no longer work!

Eventually, the war will disappear as the times progress as I predicted.

We can simulate war on the best computer in Japan.

For example, Japan Self-Defense Forces can attack a tanker of a hostile country using "Drone”.


Surprisingly, science and technology has already entered the realm of God!

For example, the medicine sex offender can do second offense prevention of can also be developed.

Japanese computer technology and manufacturing is the best in the world.

I guess you understand the ethnicity of the Korean with this Korean issue.

Korean can do nothing unless they buy 1,400 to 1,500 parts from Japan.

Prime minister said that he would have more than three export control, then

they would get into a scrape.

South Korean won has fallen and is now half value.

If South Korean go against Japan, they cannot survive.

The world’s best power is in Japan now.

For example, American stealth fighters cannot manufacture without Japanese technology, the world can do nothing without Japan.

Finally, Caucasians self-defeat themselves and become suicide.

Mr. Masami Uno, Japanese writer said that the president from Europe would appear and conquer the world, but that will be impossible.

We are born in such a good era.

Japan is the richest is the world has no debt.

The Japanese Ministry of Finance just says there is no money to deceive the Japanese.

Japan has become an amazing country!

On the other hand, South Korea boasts that it is going to be equal Japan, but Japan and Korea are compared, Korea is more inferior than Japan.

It has become known that Korea can produce nothing independently.

I am very pleased that Japanese technology will advance even more.

Actually, research on the atomic bomb was advanced in Japan before the war.

There is nothing Japan cannot do!

Foreign countries can't do to develop the most delicate technology.

Precision machines can only be made with very delicate heart movements like Japanese.

So, Koreans cannot beat Japan.

The emperor has finally become the world’s emperor, as “Japanese Mission” wrote 20 years ago.

Because Emperor and Empress can speak English.

Japanese is the best in the world no matter what Japanese do.

It was a war against Caucasians who were jealous and aimed to destroy Japan from inferiority.

America dragged Japan into World War 2 and destroyed Japan.

The evidence suggests that when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, American executives celebrated with champagne.

Usually get angry when attacked, but they rejoice that the Japanese were trapped!

But America ends.

The world comes to Japan for help.

Japan cannot be free if it is tied to the Constitution of Japan.

It is not enough to add to the constitution as the prime minister says.

The constitution is abandoned and returns to “Natural law”!

Do not let North Korea, South Korea and China do what they want.

Japan must outpace their armaments more than they do!

The Constitution has no choice but to destroy it.

Raise the Constitution Breaking National Movement and Break the Constitution!








『中杉 弘のブログ』2006年より、好評連載中です!

