アシュタールMSG. エレナベラスケスさんチャネリング | 人も動物たちも幸せに "ACとパステル”

人も動物たちも幸せに "ACとパステル”


*HS-Reika 東京都*

葉っぱっぱお知らせ 葉っぱっぱ





























Ashtar 🛸🛸🌌🌕⭐️🌕🌌🛸🛸


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am Ashtar, the Commander of the Galactic Light Forces, and I am here today to discuss some matters concerning your Ascension.


My dear Brothers and Sisters, your times are going to get really turbulent in the near future. If you thought that too much is going on now in your daily life, just wait and you will see soon on, what I mean. The process of changes on Earth will reach a high escalation and not everything will be resolved in a peaceful way. Humans need to stop listening to a false narrative coming from a small minded individuals.


They always only care about making themselves look important by collecting money, powers and suppressing the rest of humanity. My point, it doesn’t matter, on what tricks they use, nothing is going right for them. The Dark Entities want to keep the same system control only making it more invasive in the future like replacing humans with AI and colonizing Mars. Sorry, it’s not going to happen. Mars has been cleaned up from Reptilians by Ashtar Command.


The conditions on the surface of the planet is too dangerous, harsh and unpredictable. Mars got severely damaged during the Intergalactic Battle between the Galactic Light Forces and Reptilians. The planet is unhabitable. These Corrupted Creatures think that they can continue their Satanic Rituals, greed and etc. on another place in the Milky Galaxy. We are not going to allow it.


They should instead watch their backs, as AI is getting stronger with each day passing. It will turn on the Masters and destroy anything, what is in the way to their perfection. Humans will be considered as a defect by AI. Not long ago, Ashtar Command detected a spaceship on the way to Mother Earth. It would not respond to our commands. We had one of our spacecraft scan the approaching unidentified ship using bright lights.


These lights were so strong, that they bleed from our dimension into your 3D reality. The picture of this event was captured in the sky by a human in Japan located in a coastal town at a Mikuriya Port in Daisen. On your internet it’s being described as 9 pillars of light. This is not accurate, the lights came from one of our Galactic ships. After completing our scan of the unknown spacecraft, which was also cloaked. and it was flying towards Gaia. It turn out to be a Reptilian mothership, that was the size of more than half of your planet.


They were planning to invade and conquer Earth, and land in your world without hiding themselves from humanity. Once they were discovered by the Galactic Light Forces, we gave them a warning sign to turn around and leave immediately. The Reptilian‘s Mothership once it saw our huge space fleet around Mother Gaia, they left the area. The Dark Players were trying to get help from outer space, another unsuccessful attempt by Darkness.


I am very tired of their tactics, attitude and arrogance. After billions of years this planet has been on and off enslaved, it’s going to become finally free. My fleet keeps removing Dark Souls, despite their resistance and attempt to interrupt the Ascension Process. Their plan to use the space to put weapons to cause a disarray on the planet. We, Galactic Light Forces including myself, are aware based on our intelligence reports and experiences, on what the Dark Forces are trying to do.


They would like to attack with nuclear nukes from outside the planet. I gathered enough ships to be able to protect two planets like Gaia. Please, don’t take their scare tactics seriously, they can’t stop the Ascension Process and win against the Divine. Everything so far is proceeding in according to the Divine Plan. Your planet is spinning faster, as a result of high vibrations coming from the Cosmos.


The Light Community keeps ignoring my warning about the fake Ashtar, who calls himself Ashtar Sheran. I explained in one of my messages, that I only go by the name of Ashtar. Sheran is a Jewish human name, it’s not a Pleadian name. We also don’t have last names, we only go by our first name. Any channeled message that says it’s from Ashtar Sheran, this message is not coming from me. That channel instead is channeling themselves or their ego. I also do not come and give a message to the same channel every week.


I don’t have the time to do this, as I am a Galactic Commander of Ashtar Command and the Galactic Light Forces, and also our fleet doubled in size in the past few months. To give you idea on how much responsibility my commander position requires, when I go off duty to rest, the Galactic Light Forces use 8 Galactic Commanders to replace me.


The Dark Minions are spreading false information through the Light Community to confuse everyone and slowdown the Ascension Process. They will be punished by losing their right to ever receive a physical vessel again. No one can win against the Light. Stay positive and strong in this process to a New 5D Earth. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.


Sending My Supreme Love to my Brothers and Sisters



Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces












AIは日を追うごとに強くなっているので、彼らはむしろ背後に注意をすべきだ。それは、彼らの主人(あるじ)に牙を剥き、そして自分たちの完成を邪魔するものは何でも破壊する。AIにとって人間は欠陥品と見做されるだろう。少し前、アシュタール司令部はマザーガイアへ向かう途中で宇宙船を発見した。それは我々の命令に反応しない。私たちの宇宙船の一つに、接近してくる正体不明の船を、明るい光を使ってスキャンさせた。これらの光は非常に強かったため、私たちの次元からあなた方の三次元の現実に流れ込んだ。この出来事の写真は、大山の御厨港(みくりや こう)の海岸沿いの街にいる日本の人によって空で撮影された。あなた方のインターネットでは、九本の光の柱と評されている。これは正確ではない、あの光は我々の銀河船の一つから来たものだ。未知の宇宙船のスキャンを終えた後、再びまた遮蔽された。そしてその船はガイアに向かって飛んでいった。それは、レプティリアンの母船であることが判明した。それはあなた方の惑星の半分以上の大きさだった。彼らは侵略して地球を征服し、人類から身を隠すことなくあなた方の世界に着陸することを計画していた。彼らが銀河光軍に発見された時点で、私たちは彼らにすぐ引き返して立ち去るよう警告のサインを出した。レプティリアンの母船は、マザーガイアの周囲にいた我々の巨大な宇宙艦隊を見るや、その場を離れた。闇のプレーヤーたちは、宇宙から助けを得ようとしていたが、ダークネスによるもう一つの失敗した試みとなった。私は彼らの戦術、態度、傲慢さに非常にうんざりしている。何十億年もの間、この惑星は奴隷にされたり、されなかったりしてきたが、いよいよ自由になるのだ。私の艦隊は、彼らの抵抗とアセンションプロセスを妨害しようとする試みにも関わらず、ダークソウルたちを除去し続けている。彼らの計画は、この空間を利用して武器を設置し、地球上に混乱を引き起こすことである。私を含め、我々銀河光軍は、我々の情報報告や経験に基づき、闇の勢力が何をしようとしているのかを知っている。彼らは、地球外から核兵器で攻撃したいと考えている。私はガイアのような星を二つほど守れるくらいに船を集めた。どうぞ、彼らの脅し文句を魔に受けないで欲しい。彼らはアセンションプロセスを止めることはできないし、ディヴァインに勝つことも出来ない。これまでのすべては神の計画通りに進んでいる。あなた方の惑星は、宇宙から来る高い周波数によって、より早く回転している。





















































Everything is fine.


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