From HC's Facebook.



Momoko-Hime's Blog 動物救援隊 外交官 ももこひめ

カナダThey called me “Le Prez” as I was picked up outside of The Great Canadian Superstore. I didn’t have much fur due to ringworm fungus all over my body and I’d been tortured. All of my little foot-pads were burned off and I couldn’t walk. But somebody saw me and picked me up. They cared about me, cuddled me and made me better. The animals in Fukushima are in worse shape than I was, and they deserve to be rescued, loved, cuddled and healed up too – the way I was.


Momoko-Hime's Blog 動物救援隊 外交官 ももこひめ

We were rescued by Charles Harmison and Yoshiko Wada in Fukushima. We were some of the lucky ones. We were only 2 weeks old when we were abandoned by our mother. Its not her fault. She had decided that with the coming cold she could not take care of us and she continued to forage for food. Charles and Yoshiko saved our lives, we were starving and very cold, one of us almost didnt make it and Charles and Yoshiko are still taking care of us today until were ready for our family. Please save the animals of Fukushima.


Momoko-Hime's Blog 動物救援隊 外交官 ももこひめ
フィリピンChewy from Philippines. フィリピンの「チュウイ」

Momoko-Hime's Blog 動物救援隊 外交官 ももこひめ
オランダ国旗A "handsome boy" from the Netherlands. オランダの「"ハンサムボーイ"」

Momoko-Hime's Blog 動物救援隊 外交官 ももこひめ
ブラジルGuga from Brazil. ブラジルの「グーガ」

Momoko-Hime's Blog 動物救援隊 外交官 ももこひめ

日本Momo from Japan. Yozora-San , who took this picture also has a blog of suffered animals. 

日本の桃ちゃん。闘病中で頑張っています。被災動物のブログで後方支援を一緒に頑張ってくださる、夜空さん の実家の猫ちゃんです。

Momoko-Hime's Blog 動物救援隊 外交官 ももこひめ

日本My name is Bunio, and I live in Japan, I'm the chocolate and vanilla marble bunny, and this is my extended family from Toronto Canada! My mom knows Japanese and English perfectly so she tries really hard to get the word out about the animals of Fukushima! She is the official translator for The Angels and SORA network, two important rescue groups and shelters! My mom's page is here: .


Momoko-Hime's Blog 動物救援隊 外交官 ももこひめ

カナダMy name is Olly and I live in Canada. I’m 4yrs. old and very shy. For 3 ½ years I was chained to my kennel and not given much to eat. I ate my kennel instead and now have no front teeth. A few months ago I was rescued and now live indoors and get lots to eat. Please allow the rescuers in Japan to save the animals in the 20km zone so that they too can live inside and get lots to eat.


Momoko-Hime's Blog 動物救援隊 外交官 ももこひめ

日本This photo, should move you to tears. Here is someone’s visual petition. This is the barricade to the 20 km zone. This individuals name is Nekoneko , and this is their plea for the rescue of the animals of Fukushima. There are thousands, that need our voice. Please continue to send your photo to Arigatou Nekoneko. This is beautiful.

これは、私の動物救援隊仲間でもあるネコネコさん が、福島の動物救済を求めるメッセージや、南相馬の「猫おばさん」こと吉田美恵子さんへの励ましのメッセージを募り、警戒区域のバリケード前で撮影したものです。子どもたちが書いたものもあります。この写真を受け取ったハチ公さんは、「この写真はあなたの涙を誘うでしょう。アリガトウ、ネコネコさん、This is beautiful」とコメント。反響が大きいです。

NekNeko San shot these messages before he bring them to Fukushima and made a message video.


Momoko-Hime's Blog 動物救援隊 外交官 ももこひめ

カナダAll moms are special, but our mom is just a little extra special. Her name is Chizue Lister and she rescued many of our friends in Fukushima. My mom and her friends went into the zone even after it was closed by the government, risking arrest everytime to save the pets, and they always made sure to feed the livestock too! She works with alot of good people and they started a BIG petition, they want 100,000 signatures! Wont you help? Can you sign it and ask your friends to sign it too? please visit and spread it everywhere!

僕らのママはスペシャルなんだ!ママはチヅエって言って、僕らの福島の友達をたくさん救ってくれたんだ。捕まるリスクをおかしても区域に入って助けたり、家畜にご飯をあげたりもしたよ。今、いい仲間たちと100,000 人分の署名を集める運動を始めたんだ。署名して、友達にも広めてほしい!ここを見てね。

Momoko-Hime's Blog 動物救援隊 外交官 ももこひめ

アメリカ Hi, my name is Tigger and I live in Miami,Florida. I was rescued from a life of starvation and cruelty and I live a very happy life now. I would so love it if my friends ,the animals of Fukushima, would also be rescued .


Momoko-Hime's Blog 動物救援隊 外交官 ももこひめ

日本My name is Na-Chan, I am with a foster family in Tokyo Japan. But I wasn’t born there, I AM A SURVIVOR FROM THE FUKUSHIMA 20KM ZONE. I was rescued in May, but a lot of my friends are still left behind.





Here are details of this project.


There are lots of wondeful people still fighting in overseas.
Let's pressure the Japanese government !


HC needs as many as possible.
Please spread about this, and send your picture to HC !! Thank you.




