how to repair destroyed archeage ships | mmohotのブログ



how to repair destroyed archeage ships

If your ship is destroyed, you won't have to completely rebuild it. Instead, there is a special item that can be crafted which will repair your ship. There are three different size hourglasses used to repair; the type you need will depend on the ship type.

  • Shatigon's Sanglass: Pinch - Used to repair: Rowboat
  • Shatigon's Sandglass: Spoonful - Used to repair: Harpoon Clipper, Fish-Find Longliner'
  • Shatigon's Sanglass: Handful - Used to repair: Eznan Cutter, Merchant Ship

Pinch Sandglass can be bought at General Merchant store. Other two can be crafted (Alchemy>Talismans) it requires 10,000 and 20,000 profficiency to be able to craft them

I was an avid Alpha player and perfectly happy and content till this beta until i was faced with certain situations that could break the game , well for me anyway .

I am going to refer to on situation and hope for a Dev response , before i mention any other .
I have noticed various Pirate ships going around attacking low level players with clippers this weekend , which poses no problem , the problem arises when they destroy your ship if you don't de-spawn it on time .
In order to repair your clipper you need a shatigon's Sandglass , there are three versions , the one for the clipper is the "spoonfull" which apparently can only be crafted by a high ranking alchemist .
They are going for the price of 10 archeage gold on beta , which is ridiculously expensive , but unfortunately the only way you can get them .

I see a large setback if every time your trade ship or clipper gets destroyed you have to spend 10 gold to repair it .

I certainly hope this method is changed before the game goes live .