BUILDING THE archeage PLATFORM | mmohotのブログ



One you have bought the blueprints, you will need to collect the materials listed to create the building platform for the ship. This varies per ship, so be sure to check the blueprint for what is needed. If you have the required materials, find a suitable area in the sea and click the blueprints in your inventory to place the platform. Once placed, the platform will have protection for three days. If you have not completed the ship before this time, then any other adventurer may attack and destroy the platform and whatever progress you have made on the ship will be lost..pls dont buy archeage gold you will get banned.


The platform works like the construction area when building a house; you will need to transport the material bundles from a nearby crafting area to the platform. Transporting these material bundles works the same way as carrying a trade package. You may only carry one at a time, and it will reduce your movement speed. Upon reaching the platform, you will consume LP when adding the bundle to the platform. Also, like houses, any player can help to build the ship so long as they are carrying the correct bundle. Once completed, the owner of the blueprint can claim the ship, which becomes a summon item