



然し、よく読んでみると、V&A博物館長トリストラム ハント(Tristram Hunt)氏はサッチャーの『地球温暖化の原因は炭酸ガス』との詐欺以外で、サッチャーを「現代の悪役」としている。


 Pictured: Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum Tristram Hunt


V&A博物館長トリストラム ハント氏は、政治的批判を受けながらも、サッチャーは「現代の悪役」との主張を曲げないのはご立派と言える。


Anger as the V&A museum lists Margaret Thatcher as 'contemporary villain' alongside Adolf Hitler and Osama Bin Laden: Calls for the institution - run by a former Labour MP - to lose millions in public funding



A puppet of Baroness Thatcher from Spitting Image is also in the exhibition 

2024 年 3 月 17 日 DailyMail



The Victoria and Albert Museum was facing calls last night for it to be stripped of its public funding after naming Margaret Thatcher in a list of 'unpopular public figures' alongside Hitler and Osama bin Laden.




Britain's first female prime minister is described as a 'contemporary villain' in a current display on British humour through the ages.

This appears under a set of Victorian Punch and Judy puppets with a caption headed: 'That's the way to do it?'





The words state: 'Over the years, the evil character in this seaside puppet show has shifted from the Devil to unpopular public figures including Adolf Hitler, Margaret Thatcher and Osama bin Laden, to offer contemporary villains.'


A puppet of Baroness Thatcher from the satirical television show Spitting Image (pictured)  is also included in the comedy exhibition at the London museum whose director is former Labour MP Tristram Hunt


A puppet of Baroness Thatcher from the satirical television show Spitting Image is also included in the comedy exhibition at the London museum whose director is former Labour MP Tristram Hunt.




According to 2022-2023 figures, the museum received most of its income, more than £67million, from the taxpayer via the Department of Culture. 



Last night the V&A was branded 'disgraceful' and 'moronic' amid calls for ministers to axe its financial backing.



Sir Connor Burns, a former trade minister and Conservative MP for Bournemouth, said: 'Whoever wrote that caption should be called out publicly for being a moron, or perhaps more usefully sent to read a Ladybird book of modern world history.



'It is sadly symptomatic of the woke, luvvie-dom nonsense that persists in our public institutions.'They should be given a serious rap across the knuckles and a clarion instruction to grow up.'






Former Conservative leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith agreed.
'Given the fact that MPs are now regularly receiving death threats, myself included, from extremists and others, this V&A exhibition is ill-thought and mendacious,' he said.


元保守党指導者サー・イアン・ダンカン・スミス氏もこれに同意した。 「現在、私を含め国会議員が過激派などから定期的に殺害の脅迫を受けているという事実を考えると、今回のV&A展示会は軽率かつ欺瞞的だ」と同氏は述べた。

'They must live in a bubble, away from the real world, to think that it is rational to propose that a politician of the stature of Margaret Thatcher would equate to any of those mass murderers and vile human beings.
'This sort of idiocy begs the question about funding. It would be a good idea if those who thought of this did a hard day's work in among the rest of us, rather than sitting on their lofty perch producing stupid ideas.'



この種の愚かさは、資金調達についての疑問を引き起こします。 これを考えた人が、高みの座に座って愚かなアイデアを生み出すのではなく、残りの私たちの中で一生懸命働いてくれれば良いのにと思います。」

Nile Gardiner, a former aide to Baroness Thatcher and director of The Heritage Foundation's Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom, also commented. 




According to 2022-2023 figures, the museum received most of its income, more than £67million, from the taxpayer via the Department of Culture. Pictured: Adolf Hitler 




Last night the V&A was branded 'disgraceful' and 'moronic' amid calls for ministers to axe its financial backing. 




'Disgraceful from the Victoria and Albert Museum. It should be stripped of public funding,' he wrote on X.


「ヴィクトリア&アルバート博物館にとっては恥ずべきことだ。 公的資金を剥奪されるべきだ」と彼はXに書いた。

Political commentator and businessman Russell Quirk told GB News: 'Thatcher was the mother of entrepreneurship. How anyone can say she was a villain – she was one of political history's heroes.
'She stood up against the militant unions to make sure they didn't destroy the economy and social fabric of Britain. She should be applauded rather than labelled a villain. She gave ordinary people access to wealth, aspiration and success, and for that she should be heralded a hero.'


政治評論家で実業家のラッセル・クワーク氏はGBニュースに対し、「サッチャーは起業家の母だった」と語った。 彼女が悪役だったとは誰もが言えないでしょう。彼女は政治史の英雄の一人でした。

「彼女は過激派労働組合が英国の経済と社会構造を破壊しないようにするために立ち上がった(註)。 彼女は悪役というレッテルを貼られるよりも賞賛されるべきだ。 彼女は一般の人々に富、願望、成功へのアクセスを与えたのであり、そのために彼女は英雄として歓迎されるべきである。」







It is not the first time the museum's treatment of Baroness Thatcher, who died in 2013, has provoked controversy.
In 2015 the V&A was widely criticised for refusing to accept a selection of her suits and handbags. 





Her family offered hundreds of items, from her wedding dress to her red prime ministerial dispatch box, because they wanted them kept together on public display rather than auctioned off and scattered across the world.



But, according to reports, the museum 'politely declined', saying it collected only items of 'outstanding aesthetic or technical quality' rather than those with 'intrinsic social historical value'.




It is not the first time the museum's treatment of Baroness Thatcher, who died in 2013, has provoked controversy. Pictured: Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum Tristram Hunt



In 2015 the V&A was widely criticised for refusing to accept a selection of her suits and handbags. Pictured: The Victoria and Albert Museum




In 2015 the V&A was widely criticised for refusing to accept a selection of her suits and handbags. Pictured: The Victoria and Albert Museum

写真: ヴィクトリア アンド アルバート博物館


Bosses later claimed no formal offer had been made. A year on, the V&A did put on an exhibition of some of the former Conservative prime minister's clothes, including the distinctive royal blue suit she wore as she voted in the 1987 general election.
At the time Claire Wilcox, senior curator of fashion, said this constituted 'a record of the working wardrobe of one of the most influential and powerful women of the 20th century'.


後に上司らは正式なオファーはなかったと主張した。 1年後、V&A博物館は、1987年の総選挙で彼女が投票した際に着ていた特徴的なロイヤルブルーのスーツを含む、元保守党首相の服装の一部の展示会を開催した。


The V&A is the world's largest museum of decorative art and design with more than two million objects. 


V&A博物館 は、200 万点を超える美術品とデザインを収蔵する世界最大の美術館です。










首相在任中のサッチャーの主張「地球温暖化の原因は炭酸ガス」を支持し主張した「不都合な真実」に代表されるアル・ゴア元米副大統領の活動を、2003年の彼女の著書「Statecraft」でサッチャーは「終末論的誇張(apocalyptic hyperbole)」と批判した。









