











日本危機(26) 政府の恐怖扇動による国民思考停止



Vir(42) PCR検査で全検体を陽性判定する説明




A private school in Miami, citing false claims, bars vaccinated teachers from contact with students.





By Patricia Mazzei
April 26, 2021

A private school in the fashionable Design District of Miami sent its faculty and staff a letter last week about getting vaccinated against Covid-19. 


マイアミの富裕層が集まるデザイン区にある私立学校は、先週、コビッド-19(Covid-19) の予防接種を受けることについて教職員に手紙を送りました。


But unlike institutions that have encouraged and even facilitated vaccination for teachers, the school, Centner Academy, did the opposite: One of its co-founders, Leila Centner, informed employees “with a very heavy heart” that if they chose to get a shot, they would have to stay away from students.


しかし、教師向けのワクチン接種を奨励し、さらに促進してきた公共機関とは異なり、学校であるセントナー アカデミーは反対のことを行いました。

共同設立者の 1 人であるレイラセントナーは、従業員に「非常に悄然として」、ワクチン接種を選択した場合、学生から離れなければならないと通知しました。


In an example of how misinformation threatens the nation’s effort to vaccinate enough Americans to get the coronavirus under control, Ms. Centner, who has frequently shared anti-vaccine posts on Facebook, claimed in the letter that “reports have surfaced recently of non-vaccinated people being negatively impacted by interacting with people who have been vaccinated.”



CBS News obtained a copy of an email sent by the Centner Academy to its parents on Monday that reads, in part:


“Until further notice, we ask any employee who has not yet taken the experimental COVID-19 injection, to wait until the end of the school year. We also recommended that all faculty and staff hold off on taking the injection until there is further research available on whether this experimental drug is impacting unvaccinated individuals. It is our policy, to the extent possible, not to employ anyone who has taken the experimental COVID-19 injection until further information is known.”


「追って通知があるまで、実験的な COVID-19 注射をまだ受けていない従業員には、学年末まで待つようお願いしています。


さらなる情報が判明するまでは、実験的な COVID-19 注射を受けた人を可能な限り雇用しないことが私たちの方針です。」


The email appears to be tying employment to the vaccine, threatening legal action would be taken if staff lied about getting the vaccine.




誤った情報が、コロナウイルスを制御するために十分なアメリカ人にワクチンを接種するという国の取り組みをどのように脅かしているのかを示す例として、  Facebookで反ワクチンの投稿を頻繁に共有しているセントナー氏は手紙の中で、次のように述べています。



“Even among our own population, we have at least three women with menstrual cycles impacted after having spent time with a vaccinated person,” she wrote, repeating a false claim that vaccinated people can somehow pass the vaccine to others and thereby affect their reproductive systems. (They can do neither.)



ワクチンを接種された人々は、何らかの方法でワクチンを他の人に移し、それによって彼らの生殖システムに影響を与えることができるということです。 (どちらもできません。)(註)



Vac(37) ワクチン接種者との接触による未接種者の障害


Bizarre Phenomenon: Unvaccinated Getting Sick Being Around the COVID Vaxxed



Global Research 2021/04/28




In the letter, Ms. Centner gave employees three options:

手紙の中で、セントナー氏は従業員(教師や一般職員)に 3つの選択肢を与えました。

1)Inform the school if they had already been vaccinated, so they could be kept physically distanced from students;

2)Let the school know if they get the vaccine before the end of the school year, “as we cannot allow recently vaccinated people to be near our students until more information is known”;
3)Wait until the school year is over to get vaccinated.






Teachers who get the vaccine over the summer will not be allowed to return, the letter said, until clinical trials on the vaccine are completed, and then only “if a position is still available at that time” — effectively making teachers’ employment contingent on avoiding the vaccine.



そして、職場復帰できるのは、「その時点でまだ職が空いている場合」のみです。— これは事実上、教師の雇用はワクチンの回避にかかっています。


Ms. Centner required the faculty and staff to fill out a “confidential” form revealing whether they had received a vaccine — and if so, which one and how many doses — or planned to get vaccinated. The form requires employees to “acknowledge the School will take legal measures needed to protect the students if it is determined that I have not answered these questions accurately.”



— もし接種するなら、どれを何回接種か — または予防接種を受ける予定を。





Which made CBS4’s Keith Jones wonder, is this even legal?
“This is a private school. It’s not a public school. So generally a private employer in Florida can fire someone for any reason or no reason at all,” said employment lawyer Carter Sox with Gallup Auerbach.


CBS4 のキース・ジョーンズは、これが合法なのかと疑問に思ったのはどれですか?



Sox said firing someone for getting the vaccine is legal in this case. But there appears to be some recourse if fired personnel want to fight it.
“If a teacher says they have a medical condition, and it discriminates against their right to get the vaccine,” Sox said.





Ms. Centner directed questions about the matter to her publicist, who said in a statement that the school’s top priority throughout the pandemic has been to keep students safe. The statement repeated false claims that vaccinated people “may be transmitting something from their bodies” leading to adverse reproductive issues among women.





“We are not 100 percent sure the Covid injections are safe and there are too many unknown variables for us to feel comfortable at this current time,” the statement said.





CBS4 News has been told one teacher has already resigned, but it’s not clear if it was in direct result of this policy.

CBS4 News は、1 人の教師がすでに辞任したと伝えられていますが、それがこのポリシーの直接の結果であるかどうかは明らかではありません。

In the meantime, teachers are concerned and so are medical experts, like FIU’s infectious disease specialist Dr. Aileen Marty.




Dr. Marty said the Centners are promoting a debunked theory that states people who are vaccinated can spread a different type of disease to individuals standing near them.




“It shows me that the author has a very primitive understanding of what a vaccine is and really no understanding of the scientific process,” she said.




The email goes on to list “many unknown variables” for their decision and states:
“Tens of thousands of women all over the world have recently been reporting adverse reproductive issues from being in close proximity with those who have received any one of the COVID-19 injections.”






They also claim, “No one knows exactly what may be causing these irregularities, but it appears that those who have received the injections may be transmitting something from their bodies to those with whom they come in contact.”




Their email cites no scientific evidence or authority for this.




mRNA COVID-19ワクチンを接種した人の吐息から、皮膚の毛穴から、mRNAスパイク蛋白質が浮遊することは証明されている。


このように、mRNA COVID-19ワクチンを接種した人からCOVID-19のウイルスSARS-CoV-2が出て周囲の人をCOVID-19に感染させるのではない。


mRNA COVID-19ワクチンは、体にこれらのスパイクタンパク質を作らせるmRNA遺伝子治療だ。




Dr. Marty told CBS4 that this is heartbreaking, and she is devastated because she says there is no basis in science for any of the misinformation that the school is putting out. She also noted that it’s particularly “egregious,” that you have a school designed to educate kids promoting this sort of false and misleading information about the vaccine.


マーティ博士は CBS4 に、これは胸が張り裂けるようなことであり、学校が発表している誤った情報のどれにも科学的根拠がないと言っているから、彼女は打ちのめされていると語りました。



The Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization and many other authorities have concluded that the coronavirus vaccines now in emergency use in the United States are safe and effective.







Interim Clinical Considerations for Use of COVID-19 Vaccines Currently Authorized in the United States


米国で現在認可されている COVID-19 ワクチンの使用に関する暫定的な臨床上の考慮事項



(最終更新日: 2021年6月1日)


Cases of myocarditis and pericarditis after receipt of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines among adolescents and young adults

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and its partners are actively investigating reports of myocarditis and pericarditis occurring after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, particularly in adolescents and young adults.


Clinicians should consult the Clinical Considerations: Myocarditis and Pericarditis after Receipt of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Among Adolescents and Young Adults for information on the diagnosis and treatment of cases of myocarditis and pericarditis.


青年および若年成人におけるmRNA COVID-19ワクチンの受領後の心筋炎および心膜炎の症例

疾病管理予防センター (CDC) とそのパートナーは、特に青年と若年成人で、mRNA COVID-19 ワクチン接種後に発生した心筋炎と心膜炎の報告を積極的に調査しています。


臨床医は、心筋炎および心膜炎の症例の診断および治療に関する情報について、「臨床上の考慮事項: 青年および若年成人における mRNA COVID-19 ワクチンの受領後の心筋炎および心膜炎」を参照する必要があります。


Based on current knowledge, experts believe that COVID-19 vaccines are unlikely to pose a risk to the pregnant person or fetus. (中略)

However, the potential risks of COVID-19 vaccines to the pregnant person and the fetus are unknown because these vaccines have not been studied in pregnant people. 


現在の知識に基づいて、専門家は、COVID-19 ワクチンが妊娠中の人や胎児にリスクをもたらす可能性は低いと考えています。(中略)


但し、妊婦と胎児に対する COVID-19 ワクチンの潜在的なリスクは、妊娠中の人々での研究が行われていないため、不明です。



Vac(35) mRNAワクチン接種者に近づくな!





The Centner Academy opened in 2019 for students in prekindergarten through eighth grade, promoting itself as a “happiness school” focused on children’s mindfulness and emotional intelligence. The school prominently advertises on its website support for “medical freedom from mandated vaccines.”


セントナー アカデミーは、幼稚園前から 8年生までの生徒を対象に 2019 年に開校し、子供たちのマインドフルネス(心配りのできる・気遣いのできる)状態と心の知能指数に焦点を当てた「幸福の学校」としての地位を宣伝しています。




Ms. Centner founded the school with her husband, David Centner, a technology and electronic highway tolling entrepreneur. Each has donated heavily to the Republican Party and the Trump re-election campaign, while giving much smaller sums to local Democrats.


セントナー女史は、テクノロジーと電子高速道路の料金徴収の起業家である夫のデビッド セントナーと共に学校を設立しました。



In February, the Centners welcomed a special guest to speak to students: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the prominent antivaccine activist. (Mr. Kennedy was suspended from Instagram a few days later for promoting Covid-19 vaccine misinformation.) This month, the school hosted a Zoom talk with Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, a New York pediatrician frequently cited by anti-vaccination activists.



ロバートF.ケネディJr. 著名な反ワクチン活動家。 (ケネディ氏は、数日後、Covid-19 ワクチンの誤報を宣伝したため、インスタグラムを停止されました。)







(註)VD(4) 日本国民はWHOの実態を知らず





