ThomasCook European Timetable 1995年8月号の What's new this monthのまとめです。










この号では、ヨーロッパの鉄道の夏の運行情報を掲載しており、そのほとんどが9月23日まで有効である。また、1995年9月24日から1996年6月1日までの重要な国際線の暫定的な詳細を掲載した冬季国際線補足号もあります。これは本号の巻末508ページから523ページに掲載されている。スペイン国鉄からの情報受領が遅れたため、スペインの夏の確定時刻を掲載しました。変更点としては、マドリッド〜パンプローナ間と、マドリッド〜ウエルバ間(夏季限定運行)の夜行列車の廃止が挙げられる。マドリッド〜リスボン間の昼行列車(Table80)廃止のニュースは、残念ながら時期尚早であった。しかし、この列車が冬期も運行されるかどうかは確認できていない。マドリード発パリ行の寝台列車フランシスコ・デ・ゴヤ号(Table46)は、マドリードを15分早い19:15発車に時刻変更された。バレンシア・テルミノ駅(Valencia Término)は現在、スペイン国鉄の時刻表ではバレンシア・エスタシオ・デル・ノルド駅(Valencia Estaciódel Nord)と表記されており、ここでもこの名称を採用している。




スペイン北海岸沿いのEusko Trenbideak/Ferrocarriles VascosおよびFerrocarriles de Vía Estrecha(Table437)の最新時刻も掲載した。オビエド〜フェロール区間は大幅に時刻が変更された。Turytransのイルン〜ヒホン間のバス便も変更され、8月末までの時刻がTable439に示されている。






















ストップ・プレス Table555、ホリーヘッド〜マンチェスター間



What's new this month

This issue contains summer services for the railways of Europe, most of which are valid to September 23. There is also a Winter International Supplement giving provisional details of some of the more important international services from September 24, 1995 to June 1, 1996. This will be found at the back of this edition on pages 508 to 523. Confirmed summer timings for Spain are now shown, following late receipt of information from RENFE. Amongst the changes are the withdrawal of the overnight Madrid - Pamplona train and the summer-only Madrid - Huelva night train. News of the withdrawal of the day train between Madrid and Lisboa (Table 80) was unfortunately premature, and the Luis de Camoens continues to run daily except Saturdays, at least for the summer period. We are unable to confirm, however, whether this train will continue to run during the winter. The Francisco de Goya sleeping car train from Madrid to Paris (Table 46) has been retimed to leave Madrid 15 minutes earlier at 1915. Valencia Término is now referred to in the RENFE timetable as Valencia Estació del Nord, and we have adopted this name in our tables.


Details of the second Montpellier - Barcelona Talgo train are now to hand and are shown in our tables. One train each way runs to and from Valencia and is named Mediterraneo Talgo.


Latest timings for the ET/FV and FEVE narrow gauge lines along the northern coast of Spain (Table 437) are also now shown. The Oviedo - Ferrol section has been substantially retimed. The Turytrans coach service between Irún and Gijón has also been revised and timings valid to the end of August are shown in Table 439.


As mentioned last month, all trains from Paris Gare de Lyon will be departing 3 minutes earlier from July 31, and all our tables show the new earlier time. Northbound services are not affected.


The Donau Kurier, which became a CityNightLine 'hotel' train between Wien and Köln from May 28, is once again running through to Dortmund following a late decision to extend this train. Table 66 has the timings.


Services in Germany continue to be affected by electrification and upgrading works. Some tables carry warnings and a summary of the lines affected appears at the foot of page 390.


Many services in and between Russia and Belarus remain subject to alteration, but the Russian timings of trains to and from Lithuania have been updated this month following receipt of further information from Lithuanian Railways. There are also minor timing changes to our Hungarian section, and changes to bus services in Austria.


The introduction of revised timings on the Peloponnese railway in Greece has apparently been put back to September 1. Table 980 has therefore reverted to the old timings and a temporary table showing the expected service from September 1 will be found on page 438.


Railways in Great Britain are currently being affected by a series of one day strikes by members of the ASLEF train drivers' union. The vast majority of services are not running on strike days, but Eurostar services through the Channel Tunnel are not affected. The South-Eastern International division of British Rail is providing buses between London and the Channel Ports (including Newhaven) for passengers using the rail/sea/rail services to the Continent in Tables 10 and 12. Passengers are advised to arrive at the relevant London terminal at least 45 minutes before the scheduled departure time. Inbound buses will all terminate at London Victoria station.


Further news of the London - Fort William sleeping car train is that its future has been assured at least until September 22, following legal difficulties over its withdrawal. Timings for this train have been reinstated in temporary Table 593a.


Shipping news is that the Karlskrona - Gdynia service previously operated by Corona Line has been taken over by Lion Ferry (Table 1210), the former company having gone out of business. Delays in the delivery of new high-speed craft are affecting several operators, including Stena Sealink who have postponed the introduction of the Newhaven - Dieppe catamaran service to an unspecified date. The NGV high-speed ferry of S.N.C.M. (Table 1430), which was to have been introduced during July, will not now see service until September or October, and the new service from Monaco to Bastia and Calvi operated by Corsica Ferries (Table 1450) had also not started at the time of writing. Plans by Larvik Line to introduce a catamaran service between Larvik and Skagen (Table 1200) have fallen through.


New information added this month includes the ships from Kiel to Kaliningrad and Riga (Table 1222), and brief details of the Black Sea services from Istanbul to the Ukrainian ports of Odesa, Yalta and Yevpatoriia, and the Russian port of Novorossiysk. Schedules for the Black Sea services are not arranged far enough in advance for us to show actual timings, but we have included details of the shipping agents in Istanbul where information and tickets can be obtained.


Due to problems with the Sea Lynx catamaran on the Holyhead - Dun Loaghaire service, a revised timetable has been introduced by Stena Sealink, as shown in Table 1025. Certain connecting trains to and from Holyhead are also affected and brief details are shown below under 'Stop Press', as they were not received in time to alter our British section. The Winter International Supplement will be expanded to 32 pages next month to show further services valid from September 24.



The 0503 Manchester Piccadilly to Holyhead train will run approximately 20 minutes earlier between Warrington and Holyhead. The 1849 Holyhead to Llandudno Junction will now depart at 1915 and is extended to Chester, arrive 2105 (on Saturdays extends to Crewe, arrive 2130). On Mondays to Fridays there will be an additional connecting train from Chester to Birmingham (Chester 2111, Crewe 2135, Stafford 2157, Wolverhampton 2217, Birmingham New Street 2233). The 2320 Holyhead to Manchester train has been retimed to leave at 0045, arriving Manchester Piccadilly at 0350. This train does not run on Sunday mornings. Sundays: There is an additional Holyhead to Bangor train at 1915, arriving 1944.