[article] TV series writer commends Jang Keun-suk, Yeo Jin-goo for professionalism

February 19, 2016 in Drama / Movies / TV, Press Articles by tenshi_akuma (Japan)

Korean TV network SB’s upcoming fictional historic TV series “Daebak” writer commended actors Jang Keun-suk and Yeo Jin-goo for their professionalism in an interview with local media OSEN on Thursday.

Scenario writer Kwon Soon-kyu said he was “very content” with the cast, despite the pressure Jang and Yeo faced.

The 39-year-old Kwon said he was “honored” to work with the 28-year-old hallyu star Jang, who took the role of protagonist Dae-gil, a vagabond gambler, after a two-year hiatus on the small screen.

“The protagonist had to bear hard times, I mean, physically,” Kwon said. “I was assured several times that Jang could really go through that. He is beaten, ditched in dung barrows and rolls in the dirt on location. Surprisingly, he was very enthusiastic with the role.”

Kwon complimented the 18-year-old Yeo, who managed to take his first adult role, as King Yeongjo of Joseon Dynasty. Yeo previously gained recognition with many kid roles since his debut in 2005.

“Yeo himself might be under pressure with his first adult role, but I bet he could get over it,” he said. “I see his potential to be a successful actor in the future, with his deep voice tone. I think he can act in a series of classic historic series roles in the future.”
“I saw him disguised as the king with beard and mustache, and it suited really well,” Kwon added.

The series, preceded by fictional historic TV series “Six Flying Dragon,” kicked off filming Thursday. Its first episode is slated to be aired on March 22.

By Son Ji-hyoung (json@heraldcorp.com)

記事日本語翻訳 by ya-chan ことわたくし~~~♥(*`艸´)ウシシシ

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数日前に高校を卒業したばかりのヨ・ジングくん、ぜひ頑張ってください。頼もしい兄貴、アジアプリンスのチャン・グンソクがついていますからね。(≧∇≦)b ファイティン♪♪ Just go for it!! (≧∇≦)b