[article] Jang Keun Suk garners praise from ‘Daebak’ director and writer

February 18, 2016 in Drama / Movies / TV, Press Articles by tenshi_akuma (Japan)

Credit: KPOP Fighting
Upcoming SBS TV Mon-Tue drama ‘Daebak’ held a press conference on February 17th, which saw the attendance of Nam Gun PD, writer Kwon Soon Gyu, and others.

‘Daebak’ tells the story of Dae Gil who was raised as a commoner and cheater despite being of royal blood, and his wager with King Yeongjo who has everything, as they vie for love, destiny, and the throne. Jang Keun Suk will be taking on the lead role of Dae Gil, and the drama will be his first in two years since his tax scandal controversy.

Nam Gun PD praised Jang Keun Suk by stating, “He doesn’t quite know how to promote himself. I admit that I was prejudiced against him before meeting him, but I realized that he was above all other actors I have met in my life who crave performing. He wanted to try a role that would start from the bottom, but he always ended up with roles that were all too similar in the end like pretty boy characters. He is really masculine, and has great acting ability. He is a perfect fit for the character that I have in my mind. He even called me after the script reading session to ask if he could improve any further. I can see that he is treating himself as a rookie, and I have decided to give my all too.”

Writer Kwon Soo Gyu revealed that Jang Keun Suk will face many difficult situations in the drama. She said, “Dae Gil has a wretched life, and I really couldn’t imagine who would be able to carry off this role while I was writing the script. I feel really sorry for Jang Keun Suk. He will not only get bullied, but will also get thrown into a bucket of feces. There will be many of such scenes, but he is definitely one actor who can perfectly digest this role.”

‘Daebak’ will premiere sometime in March, following ‘Six Flying Dragons.’

By: Alvin

記事日本語翻訳 by ya-chan ことわたくし~~~♥(*`艸´)ウシシシ

チャン・グンソク  「テバク」のプロデューサーと作家から賞賛を得る



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