



Russian Soldier's "New Year's Greetings" Using Cell Phone → Attack and Death and What Ukraine Should Do on Lunar Christmas Day?

I am (the Reborn Messiah) the Savior Maitreya.


Regarding to [Reference News 1] YouTube Channel From BBC News

Russian soldiers used cell phones on New Year's Day, which had been banned, and the Ukrainian military detected their location and attacked them, killing 80 people.

They must have sent greetings like "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" to their families and acquaintances.

It is clear that the risk of death on the battlefield is extremely high if you send out a radio signal. What is a little surprising is that even Russian soldiers who are parties to the war can bring their cell phones to the battlefield and charge them?

This news spread around the world, informing people outside the warring parties about the morale and conditions of Russian soldiers.

As this was happening, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Ministry of Defense to observe a 36-hour truce starting on January 6, the Russian Orthodox Christmas, and asked Ukraine to concur.

I learned for the first time that Russia and Ukraine used the Julian calendar for their lunar calendar.

Since many soldiers were attacked and killed by Ukraine during the New Year's celebration, Russia called for a truce around the lunar Christmas.

This was because the Russian military could not stop the message of the New Year, so they called for a ceasefire so that people would not be attacked again when someone somewhere uses a cell phone for the Lunar Christmas as well, and that also involved the Russian Orthodox Church.

What comes into the terms of judgment here is "the human rights of individual soldiers at war."

They will be given breaks, sleep, etc. to do whatever they want, but are they allowed to do anything on "religious celebrations or personal anniversaries?" This is what I mean.

I suppose you could compare this to the Japanese and US military during WWII, where letters to family members in the interior were also acceptable.

The Russian military's intent was to.

1. to inform Russian soldiers of these two news items and let them know that private use of cell phones is a risk of death.

2. to spread to the public the New Year's missile attack on Ukraine's cell phone detection in a war partner country, and to "put psychological pressure on them not to be subjected to such an attack again on Christmas Day of the lunar calendar."

3. to create an atmosphere of a primary ceasefire by smelling the human rights of soldiers.

These would be the cases. The act reeks of political intent.

In this time, I will make a proposal to politics from the religious community on my behalf.

If the King of England and the Emperor of Japan, who are currently in a position to refrain from making political statements, do not allow their religious positions to be expressed at times like this, I believe that their King and Emperor systems will eventually be abolished by their opponents in their own countries.

[The king is destined to disappear sooner or later if he is only a symbol]

National symbols are significant both as authorities and as slogan makers for the people. When the authority of the country is lowered in the UK and Japan, the King of the UK, who is also the head of the Anglican Church, and the Emperor of Japan, who retains the vestiges of Shintoism, are required to address the people in a united and principled manner. The British are undoubtedly still like that, but in Japan, "the people are not aware of this, so it will become a discontent that will manifest itself in other ways," and anti-emperor activities will become more active.

The treatment of wounded soldiers and minimum human rights during war is not only a matter for political and military officials, but also for the ideological and religious communities.
In times like this, we need more than just politicians and military personnel to make proposals from the ideological and religious community.

If they make such recommendations, religion will have a certain raison d'etre, but if they do nothing, people will think, "What are they doing?

So, do you approve of what the Russian soldiers are doing to celebrate the New Year and Christmas? The following is a list of the reasons why we should approve of the actions of Russian soldiers in celebrating the New Year and Christmas.

(1) Russian political leaders
(2) The Russian military as a whole
(3) Soldiers like civilians who have recently been drafted into the Russian army in particular.

Should we treat them in the same way? Let's start with the point that

If (1) = (2) = (3) of war consciousness, then that would mean that we are in a state of total state mobilization and we are in a real war of survival.

Because that's what happened to Japan, the U.S., the Germans, etc. during the WWII.

Unless there is an intention by Ukraine and the U.S. to escalate the war into World War III, otherwise, the act of making Russian conscripts even more loyal to the Russian military and willing to die for it will only result in more instability for Ukraine and the U.S., as this war is likely to head in a direction that will be out of control in the future. This will only increase the uncertainty for countries such as Ukraine and the United States, as they are likely to lose control of this war in the future.

The countries that impose economic sanctions on Russia should not yet have that much in mind.
The countries concerned are unanimous in their desire to make Russia bear the brunt of the war damage while protecting their own interests (as much as possible).
The countries concerned are unanimous in their desire to let Russia bear the brunt of the war's damage while protecting their own interests.

The Russian Revolution from 1917 and
The German Revolution of 1918 saw the overthrow of the state system through the revolt of soldiers against the czars of Russia and Germany.

The U.S., Western European countries, and even Ukraine, the country involved, would not want Russia to continue to fight a thorough war against them.

Dragged into the bottom swamp, war in another part of the world would immediately lead to a world war.

What does a world war mean? It is when two or more districts are at war and it becomes unmanageable by the old order of the world.

The Ukraine is already not functioning, so if a major war occurs outside of the Russian/Ukrainian district, there will be many wars, because the countries of the world will not hesitate to increase their armaments and there will be no country to arbitrate.

In Ukraine, civilians'apartments, hospitals, and even power facilities have been targeted for attack, and the human rights of civilians have been ignored. In this case, considering the human rights of young Russian soldiers, I suggest that we "find a compromise" and "act in a way that does not excessively evoke the national identity of Russian soldiers.

If the Ukrainian military were to take away all of the Russian soldiers, the above (1), (2), and (3)

(1) Russian political leaders = (2) the entire Russian military = (3) the Russian conscripted soldiers may become aware of each other, and even if the war is once settled, it is highly likely that the conflict will not be settled like the Middle East war between Israel and Arab countries.

If it can be resolved without war, of course that would be better, but when the war is this big, a cease-fire! would not be enough to convince both countries and their supporters.

I suggest that Ukraine should not "overstimulate Russian nationalism" in the current situation.

Let us refrain from actions that would be detrimental to Ukraine, Russia, the U.S., other countries that have sanctions against Russia, and the rest of the world.

Cell phone use will be done by soldiers somewhere, even if we ban it.
That is why Russian leaders are calling for a ceasefire.

Ukraine, I think, should "at least let the cell phone signals go unchecked" while the war continues.

This is a little closer to the spirit of the Red Cross, but if we don't consider minimum human rights, it will lead to soldiers running amok until they go berserk and keep killing.

This proposal from Russia has the prestige of the country, so it is better for the world if Ukraine does not attack with a soldier's cell phone transmission in a through and through response, rather than in a form of agreement as it is.

Those who "delight in stimulating Russian nationalism" in the current situation may be the capitalists who temporarily invest in resources and currency, but an attack that faces no one to stop it when it gets out of control, and a small chance of a revolution to overthrow the regime within Russia, would not be suitable from the Ukrainian side.

In light of all the people and countries involved, it is not appropriate to attack individual soldiers by detecting their cell phone transmissions after such reports have come out, as it would lead to an escalation of the war.

This is a realistic response, not "just to say stop the war".

Regarding to [Reference News 2]

January 3, 20238:16 PM GMT+9

Factbox: What do we know about the Ukrainian New Year's Eve attack on Russian troops?

MAKIIVKA, Ukraine, Jan 3 (Reuters) - A Ukrainian missile strike on Jan. 1 against a vocational school in the Russian-controlled Donetsk region of Ukraine housing mobilised Russian troops has become one of the bloodiest incidents of Russia's nearly year-long war in Ukraine.

What do we know, and what do we not know, about what happened?


The strike on Professional Technical School No. 19 in Makiivka, a twin city to the regional capital of Donetsk which has been controlled by Russian proxy forces since 2014, occurred at 0001 on New Year's Day, Daniil Bezsonov, a Russian-installed Donetsk official, said.

Russia's defence ministry said Ukraine struck with six U.S.-made HIMARS rockets.

The governor of Russia's Samara region said that many of the dead soldiers were locals.

Unconfirmed footage circulated on social media purportedly shows residents watching Russian President Vladimir Putin's midnight address before running for cover as missiles strike the ground nearby.

Reuters photographs from the scene show the ruined remains of the school.

Reports of casualties vary. Reuters was unable to independently verify how many people were killed.

Russia's defence ministry said on Monday that 63 soldiers had been killed in the strike, an assessment echoed by a source close to Donetsk's Russia-installed separatist leadership, who told Reuters that dozens had died.

The ministry acknowledged the attack only in the final paragraph of a 528-word daily roundup, more than 36 hours after the attack took place.

Russia has consistently underplayed its casualty figures, including claiming that only one man died during the sinking of the battleship Moskva in April.

Ukraine has claimed a far higher casualty figure, saying that around 400 died. A number of Russian military bloggers, who have gained large followings through mixing pro-Kremlin advocacy with unvarnished information on the state of the front, have also given casualty figures closer to the Ukrainian number.

In a post on the Telegram messaging app, Igor Girkin, a former FSB officer instrumental in starting the initial 2014 war in the Donbas, said that there were "many hundreds" of killed and injured.

Girkin said that ammunition and military equipment had been stored in the buildings, contributing to the strength of the blast. He blamed Russia's "untrainable" generals for the losses.

Grey Zone, a Telegram channel linked to the Wagner mercenary outfit, said that around 500 men were billeted in the complex.

In footage circulated on social media and geolocated by Reuters, the vocational school, a large complex of Soviet-era buildings, appears virtually razed as emergency service workers sift through rubble.

Coming at the climax of the new year's celebrations, the most important holiday of the year in Russia, the attack has resonated within Russia.

A report by state-owned news agency TASS, citing Donetsk officials, saying that Ukrainian forces were able to identify the target from soldiers using their Russian mobile phones has provoked anger among Russia's military blogger community.

"As expected, the blame for what happened in Makiivka began to be blamed on the mobilised soldiers themselves. You see, they turned on their phones and got spotted," wrote Grey Zone, a Telegram channel linked to the Wagner Group mercenary outfit.

Grey Zone went on to blame commanders for lodging large numbers of soldiers in a building vulnerable to artillery fire.

In a post on Telegram, Sergei Mironov, leader of a Kremlin-loyal party in Russia's parliament, said that an investigation was necessary to determine whether "treachery or criminal negligence" was behind the strike. He said that officials responsible should be prosecuted.




(the Reborn Messiah) the Savior Maitreya


I am born as a human being on the earth under direct command from the universe and the earth as a celestial body, and I can be a messiah for the people of the earth if they request me to be one.


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