A night with my friends. | 札幌 宮の森 自然治癒力アップセンターのブログ

札幌 宮の森 自然治癒力アップセンターのブログ

北海道札幌市宮の森 自然治癒力アップセンター


I had a blast with my best friends a couple days ago.
It wasn't long time ago since we've met last but the conversation just didn't stop like a spring water, and new topics just poped up one after another....

On the way back home, I was thinking over and over what we have talked about this night.
All of us are trying our very best to step forward in their own environment. Sometime we stop and take a look around to check is everything alright or not, and think what to do to lead our road to the best result, and think how to bring out our possibilities as much as we can.... and we all live this each moment to practice all these things.

Human being is divine.
We are wonderful.

It is my treasure to meet my friends, have some conversation, and spend the time together with. I will cherish it this irreplaceable treasure.