I watch Hannah Montana The Movie too many times..lol

I watched it yesterday, last night..haha

also I watched "Spectacular!"

One Wish...
do you know this movie?

it's like "High School Musical"

this movie was from Nickelodeon.

also came out like..few months ago in U.S.

I watched just only one time.

so Ima watch it again!:D

One Wish...

okay, this is my beautiful mom:)

I mean Host Mom called Patty:)

she was my last host mom.

I was finding the new host mom in few weeks.

then, she asked me I can stay her house.

I was really happy that I could stay her house.

do you know why, she is really nice person I ever met.

she is a teacher @ BC. every students like her.

so when I stayed her house, they were jealous at me XD

anyway, I like her cooking. she is really good at it.

I ate a lot of Mexican foods.

awww...I'm really worrying about her now.

cuz she livesby her self and she doesn's feel good.

I wish I could stay much longer in U.S.

Ima visit her soon....

I miss you, Mom..;;

BTW, Ima meet Aino tomorrow!!!!
I'm hella exciting<3

One Wish...

Before I tell you my fav song, I watched Hannah Montana The Movie!

But, it's gonna be in Feb in Japan,

I know it's hella long to wait XD haha

so I downloaded and put in my iPod!lol

OMG..I thought it's just Hannah Montana Movie.

However, it was not..I was almost crying!!!

and I loved it!!!lol

I love Hannah Montana The Movie<333 lol

anyway, Ima tell my fav song.

Colbie Caillat : Somethin' Special.

Do you know this song?

when I listened this song, I remind the HOLLISTER!lol

I always listend this song there.

HOLLISTER is my fav clothes shop<3

Ima put this song from You Tube<3

enjoy to listening<3 :P

and here is picture with my friend.
One Wish...
this is Jenny.

She is exchange student from Korea:)

We were hang out together every time,

even after school!lol

cuz we were not same school:(

we had so much fun when we were together:D

she is hella funny, so she made me laugh.

well, I miss that day so much.

Ima go to Korea to meet her!!!!!

I miss you Jenny!

I went to my sis's school.

I mean High School which she went there when she was student.

cuz I have to get school uniform for Jon:)

However, his homeroom teacher was not there.

I was kinda mad..haha

well, I hope he gonna bring it to my home..lol

I wore FOREVER21 clothes,,<3

cuz I'm FOREVER21 LOVER..lol haha

I have too many clothes of it..:P

I'm thikin' about Ima get a bang!

Ima be like Vanessa<3

like this!!!↓↓
One Wish...
this is hella cute isn't it??

also my hair style is like this now..↓↓
One Wish...
Selena Gomez..lol

I think it's much better to get a bang XD haha

I don't wake up in the early morning these days..

cuz I'm in summer break!LOL

but Bear Creek High is already started the first day of school.

it's hella early in U.S. X(

all of my friends ask me,

"How come you are not in BC this year?"

Gosh!!!I told them already that I can go to BC just only Junior Year!

I was just an exchange student!!!

I know they ask me come back to BC.

I wanna go, if I have a money:P

One Wish...

okay, this is Jenifer.

Right one! left one is me:P

I had blonde hair..haha I look hella different XD

She is junior this year, but I had same P.E. class with her.

we were not really friend in first time,

but we became friend day by day<3

she is really funny girl:)

she makes me laugh every morning.

I mean when I met her in front of Rocker Room..

If I back to my home town in U.S.

she won't there, cuz she moved out..

I still contact with her anyway:P

I miss her so much X(

love you Jen!

I think my friends might know I love Jonas brothers..haha

I love them since they were debut.

OMG~ they are hella hot XD haha

BUT BUT I never met them before,,

I had a chance to meet them when I was in U.S.

but I couldn't ..cuz I forgot to call the office..X(

well, Ima meet them when they come to Japan!!!LOL

okay, Ima introduce this girl...
One Wish...

I think you might surprise when you see this girl XD haha

This is my bestie!!!She is Mayra<3

she is Mexian:P

I met her after school, I thought she is scary,,,haha

but I talked with her, she is hella funny, sweet, kindness<3

also she is Hello Kitty and Gloomy bear Lover!!!LOL

She told me some Spanish.

I still remember some sentences which she taught me:D

but I'm not gonna say here, cuz it's bad words..haha

I met her at cafeteria every morning.

I said, "Hola, Mayra! Como Estas??" to her.

She was always surprised and she said,

"Oh, Shittt!!!!." and we laughed.

We hang out just only one time.

I don't know why, I think my ex host family was striced me.

but when I moved to my new host mom's house,

She gave me free..lol

I could go every where:)

I mean she took me to..haha

anyway, before I left the U.S.

I had a party, and she came.

also her brother Luis.

we had so much fun to take pictures, talking,

signed the Year Book, and having dinner.

we still contact each other.

Te Quero mucho, and I miss ya, Mayra..

I couldn't sleep last night.

I just laydown on the bed.

I felt so tired yesterday, but I couldn't sleep.

I was surprised that I didn't sleep whole day.

then I just remind all of friends in U.S.

I was almost crying. I don't know why..

just, just remind my mind..

Japanese and American high school is really different.

I really wanna go back to school in U.S. to be in senior.

also I wanna take care of my host mom, cuz she lives by herself;;

anyway, this is my good friend in P.E. class.
One Wish...
his name is Jacob. He was first friend in my 1st per..

I know he is troublemaker.

but I knew he is a nice guy:P

so we always playing around in P.E. class.

I miss that days.

after I got a lot of friends there,

I didn't like the 1st per cuz teacher was really mean.

But I have friends, I went to school everyday!

so I could stand from the mean teacher:P

hm..I don't know what should I say..

well Ima introduce all of my friends in U.S here from next time.

I'll try!!!


my family still cleaning our house.

well we just make sure that exchange student can stay my house.

so, i help my family.

and i cant sleep my room today.

cuz my room has big closet which my family can put a lot of stuffs.

they put out them today.

omg...i cant believe that they put too many things in my closet...

they still not cleaned yet.

so i cant sleep:(

i have to sleep in the living room.

btw, i met Atan on PIGG.

We havent talked on MSN in ages.

i was happy:)

ima go sleep with 腹巻き!lol

I couldn't leep last night, cuz I was cleaning my room.
I don't know why, I used to like mess room..haha
But when I went to U.S., I felt I need clean everything around me.
So I started to be everything clean around me.

When I came back to my room, my room was messed up!LOL
I think my brother or mom tried to find something my stuffs.
awwww...I can't stand the mess room!

My family try to clean the house, too!
because We gonna have exchange student from U.S. haha
that's why XD
we're exciting to meet exchange student.
oh, his name is Jon:)but Ima call him Jay!
It's his last name!
We gonna have a lot of fun!!Yay

I have another excitie things also..
Ima meet my BESTIE this month in TOKYO!!!
One Wish...
I'm hella excitig to meet her<3333
I met her before I left Japan..
so..I think we haven't met about a year or somethin??

I can't wait!!!!

love ya Aino<3
First of all, I used to use this site long time ago.
However, I didn't like it, then I changed to another site to write a blog.
Finally, my bestie got this blog a year!? ago. so I tried it again.

Anyway, Ima introduce by myself.

I'm Misaki, my middle name is Emily.
One Wish... border=
Right one is me!
Oh, I'm Japanese! Middle name is my American friend gave me.
As you can see I was in America.
I just came back from there few months ago.
I had so much fun over there.

I love America.
I don't know what should I say..lol

I hope somebody can see my blog anyway..haha

ima go sleep. bye<3